Hotel Woodstock : the Band-announcement

Here is the trailer of Hotel Woodstock

The pitch : 1969. Elliot, interior designer in Greenwich Village, going through a bad patch and needs to return home to her parents, in the north of the State of New York, where he tries to take over the management of their motel run-down. Threatened with seizure, the father of Elliot wants to burn down the building without even having paid the insurance while Elliot wonders how he will finally be able to announce that he is gay…So that the situation is simply catastrophic, he learned that a village neighbour refuses, finally, to host a festival of hippie music. Seeing an unhoped-for opportunity, Elliot calls producer. Three weeks later, 500,000 people invade the field of his neighbor, and Elliot finds himself embarked on an adventure that will forever change his life and the lives of a whole generation.

Hotel Woodstock was directed by Ang Lee (Lust, caution, Brokeback Mountain) with Emile Hirsch (Harvey Milk, Speed Racer), Demetri Martin (The Rocker) and liev view Schreiber (X-Men Origins – Wolverine, The Insurgents).

The film will be released on September 23, 2009.

Hotel Woodstock : trailer (VOSTFR)

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