How accurate is a rifled shotgun barrel?

How accurate is a rifled shotgun barrel?

Rifled shotgun barrels can be capable of excellent practical accuracy, often printing 3-shot groups within 2” or better at 100 yards, which is well within the ethical limits for hunting accuracy at the closer hunting distances typically seen in these locales.

How accurate are 12 gauge rifled slugs?

Your expected range of accuracy for any box of slugs you grab in a store should be about 50 yards. This is an average range for the typical field gun with a smooth barrel and bead sight, shooting any brand of ammunition picked at random.

Can I shoot rifled slugs through a smooth barrel?

A rifled slug is what you want to shoot out a smooth bore barrel. Because the barrel is smooth, the projectile will not rotate appropriately unless it has rifling on it.

Do rifled slugs really spin?

The angled grooves are the so-called rifling on a “rifled” slug. These slugs predate rifled shotgun barrels, and were designed to be fired through smoothbore shotgun barrels. The bottom line is that yes, rifled slugs to indeed spin in flight, due to rotation imparted by the “rifling” on the exterior of the projectile.

Do you use rifled slugs in a smoothbore barrel?

In almost all cases, you should only use rifled slugs in smoothbore barrels. If you have a rifled shotgun barrel, you’re going to want sabot slugs. It’s counter-intuitive to what the “rifled” slug name suggests and while it may not be a catastrophic failure, you could damage the grooves in your rifled shotgun barrel.

What are rifled slugs good for?

Rifles and handguns, on the other hand, have grooves and ridges in them called “rifling,” which helps to spin and stabilize their bullets as they’re fired. Because those shotgun bores were smooth, a slug fired down them didn’t spin and didn’t stabilize in flight once it left the barrel.

What is the best slug barrel for accuracy?

In all the different slug guns I have shot, the 2 3/4″ 1 1.4 oz. Lightfield Hybreds worked the best for accuracy. I just got back from the gun shop with a case of them, they shoot great in all three of my slug guns. Baretta Extrema, Encore slug barrel and my Remington 870. If you’re going to make a hole, make it a big one.

Do rifled choke tubes improve accuracy of shotgun slugs?

Of the many technological developments intended to improve the accuracy potential of shotgun slugs (and also one of the most summarily dismissed) is the rifled choke tube. After all, claim the device’s critics, how could a few inches of shallow rifling at the end of a smooth barrel do anything to tighten slug groups?

Can you shoot slugs with rifle accuracy in your TC encore?

Shoot Slugs with Rifle Accuracy in Your TC Encore! Install a 12 or 20 gauge rifled slug barrel on your Thompson Center Encore and shoot near minute of angle accuracy when you hunt deer! Just to see how good it can get, we built up the “20 Ga. Varmint Rifle” pictured above and shot the 3/4 inch 100 yd. group pictured.

How much does a rifled tube cost?

There are numerous reasons why a hunter would employ a rifled tube to improve accuracy rather than a dedicated rifled barrel the most notable being cost. Assuming an aftermarket, fully rifled barrel is even available for a given make and model shotgun, chances are it will cost between $200 and $400.

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