How can I get current activity name?

How can I get current activity name?

Use this. getClass(). getSimpleName() to get the name of the Activity. And you can use in kotlin.

How do I find my android activity name?

Step 1: Download “APK Info” app from Google Play Store on your android mobile. Step 4: Click the option “Detailed Information” option. It would show the detailed log for the app. Step 5: Then to find the appActivity name of the app, scroll down to the sub-section “Activities”.

How do I find my current activity name ADB?

In Eclipse with Android device attached go to Window menu > Show View > Other use filter text “Windows” to pull up Android > Windows show this. The top item in the list is the current activity.

What is Android Activity name?

3 Answers. The name of your activity is composed by its package + “.” + it’s name. Look for the “AndroidLauncher. java” file in your project, check the package declaration, and edit your manifest accordingly.

Where can I find launchable activity?

8 Answers

  1. and aapt usage can be found here on StackOverflow:
  2. 1, Do as kabuko said 2, adb pull /data/app/ ~/ 3, aapt dump badging Thats it.

In which method of an activity do you usually call the setContentView method?

onCreate() method
The onCreate() method in the activity gets called. The method includes a call to setContentView() , specifying a layout, and then starts the stopwatch with runTimer() . When the onCreate() method finishes, the layout gets displayed on the device.

How do I find the main activity of an APK?

5 Answers. This can be found in the application’s manifest. The main activity is the activity with the intent-filter whose name is android. intent.

How do I get app package and activity?

Finding App Package and Activity

  1. Firstly, connect your Android device or emulator to the PC/Mac and open the App whose details you want to inspect i.e Whatsapp.
  2. Open a Command Prompt or Terminal window and use ‘adb devices’ command to see the list of connected devices.

What is Dumpsys?

dumpsys is a tool that runs on Android devices and provides information about system services. You can call dumpsys from the command line using the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) to get diagnostic output for all system services running on a connected device.

How do I change my activity label?

To change the title of an activity (to show a more custom title for a certain activity than the application title), you can set the new title either through calling setTitle(“foo”) on the activity or by setting android:label=”@string/price_after_rebate” in your activity style.

How do I add activity to manifest?

Configuring the manifest

  1. Declare activities. To declare your activity, open your manifest file and add an element as a child of the element.
  2. Declare intent filters.
  3. Declare permissions.
  4. onCreate()
  5. onStart()
  6. onResume()
  7. onPause()
  8. onStop()

How to show activity name in Android Studio?

Step 1 − Create a new project in Android Studio, go to File ⇒ New Project and fill all required details to create a new project. Step 2 − Add the following code to res/layout/activity_main.xml. In the above code, we have taken text view to show activity name. Step 3 − Add the following code to src/

How to get the current active activity name of an app?

In your service call getApplication () and cast it to your app class name (App in this case). Than you can call app.getActiveActivity () – that will give you a current visible Activity (or null when no activity is visible). You can get the name of the Activity by calling activeActivity.getClass ().getSimpleName ()

How to get the current foreground running activity from activitymanager?

Knowing that ActivityManager manages Activity, so we can gain information from ActivityManager. We get the current foreground running Activity by getRunningTasks () is DEPRECATED. see the solutions below. This method was deprecated in API level 21.

How to check if a window is an activity in Android?

In the onAccessibilityEvent callback, check for the TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED event type to determine when the current window changes. Check if the window is an activity by calling PackageManager.getActivityInfo (). Tested and working in Android 2.2 (API 8) through Android 7.1 (API 25).

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