How can I make my sub ohm coil last longer?

How can I make my sub ohm coil last longer?

Make Your Vape Coils Last Longer with These Best Practices

  1. Following the aforementioned priming tips. Priming your coils is like the break-in period for a new car.
  2. Avoid over-pressing the firing button.
  3. Waiting three to five seconds between hits.
  4. Don’t run your tank empty.
  5. Stay at lower wattages whenever possible.

Do you inhale sub ohm?

You first draw the vapour into your mouth, then you inhale it into your lungs. This is the traditional way to vape and how most people smoked. When sub-ohm vaping, most people DL. This is because there is so much vapour being produced so quickly, the easiest way is to directly inhale the vapour.

Can I use NIC salts in sub ohm?

We strongly recommend that you don’t use nic salts in a sub-ohm device, as this could make you very sick. However, you technically could get away with a low concentration of nicotine salt (15 mg) with a higher-powered device, depending on your tolerance level.

Is 6mg good for sub-ohm?

6mg – This strength is considered ‘high’ when it comes to sub-ohm vaping and is generally used by people looking for increased flavour and vapour, but that still need a decent hit of nicotine to fend off cigarette cravings. 6mg brings significantly more bite to the throat than 3mg on a sub-ohm sub-ohm system.

What are sub-ohm coils and how do they work?

When vaping using sub-ohm coils a substantial amount of vapor is produced compared to using coils above 1ohm on the same device. Typically sub-ohm vapers take lung hits meaning they inhale straight to their lungs increasing the vapor they can inhale each puff.

Can I sub-ohm with my batteries?

By staying within your batteries amperage limit you can be sure you sub-ohm safely. You can take your batteries voltage (4.2v fully charged) and divide it by your coils resistance to find out how much current your device will draw. For example 4.2v / 1ohms = 4.2A discharge rate while 4.2v / .5ohms = 8.4A.

What is sub-ohm vaping and how does it work?

Sub-ohm vaping utilizes the principles of Ohm’s and Joule’s laws of electricity. For our purposes this means, a non-variable voltage source like for instance the battery in a mechanical vape mod will increase the overall power output (wattage) of your device when you decrease the resistance (ohms) of your coils.

How do I Wick my coil?

We recommend putting a few drops of eliquid into the top section of your coil as well as on the feed slots on the side of the coil. This will start of the wicking process.

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