How do you adjust a laser alignment?
In order to correctly align the laser beam, you have to use the first mirror to align the closer target position and the second mirror to align the farther target position. Physically move both mirrors to get the laser beam onto a closer position. You may have to adjust the angles of the mirror slightly.
How do you align laser heads?
Drive the laser head all the way to the back of the machine and press the ‘laser’ button to get a dot on the tape, take note of where this dot is. Drive the laser head to the front of the machine and put a second dot on the target tape. The two dots should be in the same position when the machine is aligned.
How do you adjust a laser mirror?
If the laser hole is too far right, either LOOSEN the LEFT screws of the Mirror, or TIGHTEN the RIGHT screws of the Mirror. LOOSENING screws will tilt the mirrors TOWARDS the direction of where the screws are located. TIGHTENING screws will tilt the mirrors AWAY from the direction of where the screws are located.
What is laser alignment?
Even a gentle breeze can cause the wire to move sideways a considerable amount; the aerodynamic drag on a thin wire is huge. In laser alignment, the LOS of is established by a laser beam instead of a tight wire. the invisible LOS reference has no weight, cannot sag, kink, or be disturbed, nor is it a safety hazard.
What is Los in laser alignment?
In laser alignment, the LOS of is established by a laser beam instead of a tight wire. the invisible LOS reference has no weight, cannot sag, kink, or be disturbed, nor is it a safety hazard. It constitutes a precise, unvarying reference, determining straightness to within thousandths of an inch.
What are the benefits of using an alignalignment tool?
Alignment tools can perform complicated alignment measurements which reduces the amount downtime, repair time, and money spent to replace machines or assets due to improper alignment. How to use a laser alignment tool?
What is adaptlaser shaft alignment?
Laser shaft alignment is the most efficient way to align machine shafts. Using an adaptive alignment system instead of conventional tools saves you time and money, increases machine availability, prolongs service life and maintenance intervals, and lowers power consumption.