How do you take care of a damsel fish?
The Blue Damselfish is an omnivore, so their diet should be made up of live and frozen meat including brine shrimp, worms, squid, shrimp, copepods, and small pieces of fish. They will also eat flaked foods and some herbivore preparations.
Why is my damsel fish turning black?
While difference in coloration can indicate a health issue it’s normal for damsels and other fish like yellow tangs to show a noticeable change in coloration after the lights have been off or in response to stress like bullying.
Are damselfish easy to keep?
Damselfish are some of the first fish beginner marine hobbyists keep. Hardy, brightly colored, and easy on the wallet, they are perfect for a first time setup. However they can be quite variable in terms of size and temperament. Some are small and peaceful while others are large and aggressive.
Do damsels change color?
It’s perfectly normal. Lots of fish change colors at night to blend in with their surroundings while they sleep. It helps keep them from being eaten at night in the wild. It’s perfectly normal.
Are damsels schooling fish?
These Damsels are just about as hardy as their close relatives, but are more of a schooling fish. They need to be kept in groups of at least five individuals to be happy, and will swim in a school in larger tanks, mostly in the upper portions of the tank.
How to care for a damselfish fish?
Keep the temperature of the water in the tank between 73 and 81 degrees at all times. Larger damselfish can be kept with clownfish, dottybacks, and certain angelfish. It is best to give your damselfish a combination of dry flakes and live foods, such as brine shrimp and squid.
What size tank does a blue damselfish need?
A Blue Damselfish needs to be kept in a minimum 30 gallon tank. If you are going to get a larger species that are closer to five inches, you’ll need a 50 gallon tank. If you keep upwards of four of these fish, a 100 gallon tank is required. Putting these fish in a tank that is too small can end their life quickly.
What do damsel fish eat?
Most are omnivorous and will feed on both fresh and frozen meat. In addition to their non-fussy eating, they are extremely hardy which makes them ideal for inexperienced keepers. They are so hardy that in fact before fishless cycling came into style, Damsels would be used to cycle a saltwater tank.
Why did my damselfish turn black?
Damselfish Diseases Probably the biggest reason for death or illness in Damselfish is due to a high exposure to ammonia over a long period of time. It leads to their body transforming to a dark color and/or spots on their tail and eventual death. Do not use a Damselfish as the first inhabitant of the tank.