How many countries are there in the world 2012?

How many countries are there in the world 2012?

195 Sovereign States According to the UN If you want to know the names of all 195, Wikipedia has a complete list. The last addition to the list was in 2012, when Palestine became a UN Observer State, and the last time the number of full UN members changed was when South Sudan joined in 2011.

How many countries were there in 2010?


Are there 249 or 195 countries in the world?

Countries in the World: There are 195 countries in the world today. This total comprises 193 countries that are member states of the United Nations and 2 countries that are non-member observer states: the Holy See and the State of Palestine.

What country is in year 2012?

Today, Pagume 6 is the last day of Ethiopian year 2011; Ethiopia will enter the New Year 2012, Enkutatash, on September 12th. As a Land of Origin Ethiopian calendar, unlike the Gregorian’s calendar is composed of 13 Months.

Which country is already in 2022?

One of the first countries to mark the new year is Kiribati, also known as Christmas Island, and at 10:01am (GMT) the time on the independent island nation was 00:01 1 January 2022.

What was first country?

Oldest Countries 2021

Country Age Rank Sovereignty Acquired
Iran 1 3200 BC
Egypt 2 3100 BC
Vietnam 3 2879 BC
Armenia 4 2492 BC

Why is Ethiopia 2012?

A year in the Ethiopian calendar is 13 months long, with 12 months of 30 days each. This is because the Ethiopian Calendar, as stated above, follows the Coptic Calendar which was fixed to the Julian Calendar in 25 BC by Emperor Augustus of Rome with a start date of 29 August, thus establishing the New Year on this day.

Why is it 2012 in Ethiopia?

One of the reasons behind which Ethiopia celebrates its New Year during this month is that the number of daylight hours and nighttime hours happens to be exactly equal “in every part” of the globe once every September and the Sun and the Moon, which are used to count time, each set after 12 hours. Happy New Year 2012.

How many countries are there on the world map?

Most of the big spots on the map can be filled in with countries that are members of the UN. The only country that is generally recognized as an independent nation but is not in the UN would be Vatican City, which has observer status at the UN. So according to the UN, this puts the list of countries at: 193.

How many countries are there in the world 2020?

By Ellen Kershner on August 26 2020 in Geography Political map of the world. There are 194 universally recognized countries (193 members of the UN plus the Vatican [Holy See]). Places like Palestine, Kosovo and Taiwan are partially recognized which increase the count.

How many independent countries are there in the world?

Thereby, we can say, that the total number of independent states in the world are 197, including fully recognized 193 members of the United Nations, 2 countries, Vatican City and Palestine, have the status of permanent observers in the UN. Another 2 states we include are Kosovo (recognized by 111 UN members) and Taiwan (recognized by 22 countries).

How many countries are recognized by the United Nations?

The United Nations (UN) recognizes 195 sovereign countries. 193 of these countries are members of the United Nations, and two – the Holy See and the State of Palestine – are simply observer states.

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