Is Robert Elms leaving BBC Radio London?

Is Robert Elms leaving BBC Radio London?

Robert Elms, 62, has been a presenter on the station since 1994 and has a loyal audience. He will be lose his Monday-Friday mid-morning show and present a programme on Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings instead.

Is Eddie Nestor leaving radio London?

In February 2007, Nestor was diagnosed as having Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, and kept a blog of his treatment and reactions. As of 2020, Nestor presents the Drive Time show for BBC Radio London, and he will move to the mid-morning slot on the station on 13 September 2021, presenting the programme on four days each week.

Who is on BBC London now?

Early. 01:00. Dotun Adebayo with BBC Radio 5 live07/01/2022. Join Dotun Adebayo with BBC Radio 5 live.

  • Morning. 07:00. Vanessa Feltz07/01/2022.
  • Afternoon. 14:00. Salma El-Wardany07/01/2022.
  • Evening. 18:00. The London Sport Show07/01/2022.
  • Late. 01:00. Hayley Hassall with BBC Radio 5 liveJim Davis sits in (08/01/2022)
  • What is Robert Elms doing now?

    Elms was a writer for The Face magazine in the 1980s and is currently known for his long-running radio show on BBC Radio London. …

    Who is Robert Elms married to?

    Christina Wilson
    Robert Elms/Spouse

    What frequency is radio London on?

    94.9 FM
    Local Radio

    Radio Station Frequencies
    BBC Radio London 94.9 FM
    BBC Radio Manchester 95.1 FM, 104.6 FM
    BBC Radio Merseyside 95.8 FM
    BBC Radio Newcastle 95.4 FM, 96 FM, 103.7 FM, 104.4 FM

    Who is replacing Jo Good?

    Jo Good, 66, who has been at the station since 2003 and is on after lunch, is being moved to a 10pm-1am slot from Monday to Thursday. It is understood that Eddie Nestor, 57, who is black, will move from his 5pm show to replace Elms in broadly the same slot Monday to Thursday.

    Why we gave up our Georgian family home for a tiny city flat?

    We’ve done up properties before, we’re not scared of a big job, but the torrent of decisions to be made in one go is overwhelming. If this is to be our final and forever home, we need to get all the balances right. …

    Where can I find radio London?

    Listen to BBC Radio London programmes anywhere: 94.9FM. Digital Radio (DAB)…Through your TV:

    • Sky 0152.
    • Freesat 718.
    • Freeview 721.
    • Virgin 937.

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