What is positive peer pressure?

What is positive peer pressure? Positive peer pressure is when someone’s peers influence them to do something positive or growth building. For example, peers who are committed to doing well in school or at sport can influence others to be more goal orientated. Similarly, peers who are kind, loyal or supportive influence others to be […]

Is math HL hard?

Is math HL hard? Like almost all high school math courses, Math HL doesn’t focus on proof and is very calculation heavy. This means that having a lot of practice (“grind”) can get you a good mark, like a 6 or 7. It was relatively easy for me. I completed AP Calculus BC before IB […]

Are Pre-IB classes weighted?

Are Pre-IB classes weighted? MV pre-IB courses were not created by IB and are not regulated by IB. MV pre-IB courses are not weighted in terms of calculating the Grade Point Average. Can IB students give JEE? Engineering/IIT Entrances: IB® students are eligible to appear for the Engineering entrances like IIT JEE. They can appear […]

Do you have to use quotation marks when citing?

Do you have to use quotation marks when citing? So, when creating a works cited reference, you will need to refer to the name of the article, short story, song, or poem, using quotations, within the parenthesis for the citation. Quotation marks may also be used when citing words that are used as definitions, special-case […]

What if you have cancer and no insurance?

What if you have cancer and no insurance? If you simply can’t get insurance or you can’t afford the premiums and out-of-pocket costs, see if your hospital or cancer center has any kind of discount program for people without health insurance. If it doesn’t, there may be another hospital in your area that does. How […]

Do high tumor markers always mean cancer?

Do high tumor markers always mean cancer? Tumor marker tests can provide a lot of helpful information, but they aren’t fail-safe. Just because a person has tumor markers, it doesn’t always mean cancer is present or has come back. Conditions besides cancer can raise tumor marker levels. Should a 3 cm fibroid be removed? A […]

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