Should I worry about flying termites?

Should I worry about flying termites?

So next time you see flying termites there is no need to panic because they will not cause any damage to your home. This only indicates that a termite colony is nearby. When this happens in or around your home, be sure to call Terminix for a free termite inspection.

Do flying termites eat wood?

Flying termites do not eat wood. But they can drill a hole in the wood to get inside the wooden structure. In this guide, you found out what these flying termites are and where they come from. And most importantly, why you should be worried if you see flying termites in your home.

Can swarming termites cause damage?

No. Termite swarmers are a nuisance particularly when swarms occur indoors. However, they do not cause structural damage; that’s done by the worker termites in a colony.

Why are termites swarming in my house?

Why Do Termites Swarm? Termites swarm after their original colony has reached a certain capacity level and is ready to expand. For most colonies, this happens once a year. Hundreds or even thousands of swarmers, called alates, are produced with the sole purpose of reproduction and expansion.

How toxic is termite fumigation?

Termite fumigation is safe and should not affect anyone if all the instructions laid out by your pest control specialist are followed. Once fumigation is over, the tent is lifted and the chemicals escape into the atmosphere. Sulfuryl fluoride is a highly toxic chemical that depresses the central nervous system.

Why do flying termites mean serious trouble?

Flying termites mean serious trouble because they are the swarmers and they can mate and build termite colonies in your house. They are actually responsible for the reproduction of termites that’s why they are very destructive and mean serious trouble.

How do you get rid of flying termites in Your House?

Peppermint oil helps to kill flying termites by suffocating them. This makes it the best natural remedy to get rid of flying termites or winged termites. You can mix peppermint oil with water and soap. It is your own natural homemade aerosol insecticide.

How do you kill termites with wings?

If you see flying termites, you can hit them down and kill them just like that. You can also use vacuum cleaner to vacuum them up, and a liquid spray like a local insecticide to spray on the winged termites and kill them. Flying termites can be a sign of a nearby active termite colony.

When do termite swarmers lose their wings?

All swarmers lose their wings during the swarming and mating process . For this reason, you can immediately distinguish carpenter ants when you find swarmers crawling around with wingless ants. If the swarmers you have are termites, they will burrow into soil and wood, and you will rarely see them walking around exposed to the air and sunshine.

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