What are 5 facts about space travel?

What are 5 facts about space travel?

Fun Facts about Space Travel for Kids

  • One space shuttle launch costs $450 million.
  • The German V2 was the first rocket to reach space in 1942.
  • In 1947, fruit flies were launched into space. Scientists wanted to see how they reacted to space travel. Later, in 1949, Albert II, a Rhesus monkey went to space.

What was the first animal in space?

dog Laika
The first animal to make an orbital spaceflight around the Earth was the dog Laika, aboard the Soviet spacecraft Sputnik 2 on 3 November 1957.

What are three good things about space travel?

The benefits of space can be categorized as either direct or indirect. The direct benefits of exploration include the generation of scientific knowledge, the diffusion of innovation and creation of markets, the inspiration of people around the world, and agreements forged between the countries engaged in exploration.

What are some cool space facts?

Cool Space Facts. A collection of cool facts about the Sun and all the planets in our solar system (sorry Pluto). The Sun makes up 99.86% of the Solar System’s mass. Mercury is named after the Roman messenger to the Gods. Venus spins in the opposite direction to most planets. The Earth is 149,598,262 km from the Sun.

What is the scariest thing about space?

10 Scary Things About Space Zombie Stars. Just when you think we couldn’t be inundated any more movies, TV shows, and books about bloodsuckers and the undead, the science community has joined the fray Space Junk. Ever since the start of the space race, man-made objects have been piling up in what has been politely termed “orbital debris.” Rogue Planets.

What are amazing facts about space?

Interesting facts about space. The Earth tilts at around 66 degrees, bulges at the center around the equator and its rotation is slowing at a rate of 17 milliseconds every 100 years. The Earth is the only planet in the solar system not to be named after a Greek or Roman god.

What are some amazing facts about the universe?

As space facts go, this is pretty impressive. Research by Yale University scientists suggests that a rocky planet called 55 Cancri e — which has a radius twice Earth’s, and a mass eight times greater – may have a surface made up of graphite and diamond.

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