What are bogons and Martians?

What are bogons and Martians?

What are Bogons and Martians? Put simply, a Bogon Network is a bogus or invalid network. These networks are sometimes called martians, as they might as well have come from Mars (where no valid networks exists; At least at the time of writing).

Are bogons bad?

Bogons are bad for several reasons. So bogon packets cannot be used to, for example, send spam e-mails or to send HTTP/web traffic. But bogon’s can be used to launch TCP SYN attacks and are used in about 10% of DDoS attacks on the net. Stopping bogons can not only help your enterprise but those you connect to.

What are internet bogons?

A “Bogon” (plural: “bogons”) is a packet with an IP source address in an address block not yet allocated by IANA or the Regional Internet Registries (ARIN, RIPE, APNIC…) as well as all addresses reserved for private or special use by RFCs. See [RFC3330] and [RFC1918].

What is a bogon range?

Bogon IP Addresses are the set of IP Addresses not assigned to any entity by Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) and RIR (Regional Internet Resgistry). This unallocated address space is called the bogus space. Bogons also include reserved private address and the link local address ranges (Martian Packets).

How do I block Bogons?

Many ISPs and end-user firewalls filter and block bogons, because they have no legitimate use, and usually are the result of accidental misconfiguration or malicious intent. Bogons can be filtered by using router access-control lists (ACLs), or by BGP blackholing.

How do I block bogons?

What is bogon IP address?

A Bogon is an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) that has yet to be officially assigned for use by the Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA). As such they are unassigned and unrouted on the Internet. Bogons can be intentionally misused by hackers to hide their attacks by hiding their source IP address (hackers).

What are Martian sources?

A martian header source is usually a IP address that should not be routable. For example, a 127.0. 0.0/8 IP address coming through a router, would be labeled as being martian. Other sources of martian sources would be a computer that is trying to use a class E address.

What are Martian logs?

Log and drop packets with suspicious source addresses conf Security Hardening. martian – A packet sent on a TCP/IP network with a source address of the test loopback interface [127.0. 0.1]. This means that it will come back labeled with a source address that is clearly not of this earth.

What is the ACL for outbound DNS on internal network?

Internal network The above ACL will only allow outbound DNS requests to port 53 on UDP to from the internal LAN. Remember that every other outbound traffic that needs to get out should be permitted on that ACL as well. Federico. 09-28-2010 02:38 PM

How often are the Bogon ACLS updated?

We are pleased to announce the release of our Full Bogons ACLs in eleven different formats. This data is updated every four hours. For our purposes we are including private networks within the Bogon ranges.

What is a Bogon IP address?

The remaining Bogons are bogus IP addresses. Bogon is also an informal name for an IP packet on the public Internet that claims to be from an area of the IP address space reserved, but not yet allocated or delegated by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) or a delegated Regional Internet Registry (RIR).

What is a Bogon?

Complete Bogons List in Eleven ACL Formats. Bogons are bogus IP addresses. Bogon is also an informal name for an IP packet on the public Internet that claims to be from an area of the IP address space reserved, but not yet allocated or delegated by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) or a delegated Regional Internet Registry (RIR).

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