What are outcome goals in sport?

What are outcome goals in sport?

Outcome goals focus on the end-point of an event, for example a competitive result such as winning a match or specific event e.g. winning a gold medal at the Olympics. An athlete could perform to the utmost best of their ability and still fail to achieve their outcome goal.

What is outcome goal setting?

Goal-setting is the process of taking active steps to achieve your desired outcome. Each of these major goals can be broken down into smaller, more attainable goals that will propel you towards success.

What are outcome goals GCSE PE?

A performance goal helps the athlete to focus on an aspect of performance that they are in total control of. An outcome goal helps the performer to focus on the big picture of what they are trying to achieve.

What is a performance goal in GCSE PE?

A Performance Goal is a direct link to the performer in their performance or technique in the game. A Outcome Goal is a goal based on the end result of a game.

What is a performance goals GCSE PE?

A performance goal helps the athlete to focus on an aspect of performance that they are in total control of. Performance goals allow the athlete to focus in on details of the performance, not just winning and losing. An outcome goal helps the performer to focus on the big picture of what they are trying to achieve.

What are performance goals in education?

Performance Goals versus Learning Goals” based on research from Carol Dweck. “Performance goals are about “winning positive judgments of your competence and avoiding negative ones.

What are performance and outcome goals?

Performance goals focus on the person performance while outcome goals focus strictly on the outcome or result. Performance is what the person controls while outcomes are frequently controlled by others. Unfortunately, outcome goals do not take into account how well a person performed.

What is the difference between performance and outcome goals?

What is a performance goal GCSE?

What is the definition of performance in PE?

Sport performance is the manner in which sport participation is measured. Sport performance is a complex mixture of biomechanical function, emotional factors, and training techniques. When an athlete and the coach can isolate areas on which to focus in training, the ultimate result is likely to be improved.

What are the 9 types of goals in PE?

There are nine types of goal setting: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-phased, exiciting, recorded, performance goals and outcome goals. It can be used as an anagram of SMARTER (and PO!) Specific goals is a key concept in PE.

Can performance goals be combined with outcome goals?

Performance and outcome goals can be combined. However, it is generally accepted that outcome goals should be avoided as they rely on factors that cannot be controlled, eg other performers. Beginners prefer to avoid outcome goals because failure can demotivate/winning may be an unrealistic goal.

What is a performance goal in sport?

A performance goal helps the athlete to focus on an aspect of performance that they are in total control of. A performance goal might be a 200 m sprinter trying to beat their personal best or a hockey midfielder trying to score their highest level in the multi-stage fitness test.

What are time-phased goals in PE?

Time-phased goals is a key concept in PE. It is a target time that can be used to compare against other athletes. For example, beating your opponent with a certain time in horse riding. Exciting goals is a key concept in PE. It is a sport that will motivate you because it excites you.

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