What are the accomplishments of the Sui Dynasty?

What are the accomplishments of the Sui Dynasty?

The most important accomplishment of the Sui Dynasty was the successful effort to unite a country that had been divided and at war with itself for hundreds of years. Let’s first talk about the events in China leading up to the Sui Dynasty. The Southern and Northern Dynasties ruled China from 420 – 589.

Which of the following was an important achievement of the Sui Dynasty of China?

What was the most important accomplishment of the Sui dynasty in China? It managed to unify China once again under the emperor’s authority. The completion of the Grand Canal linking the Huang He and Chang Jiang had an important effect on China.

How did the Tang dynasty benefit from the accomplishments of the Sui?

The Tang dynasty benefited from the accomplishments of the Sui dynasty because of building projects the roads and canals begun by the Sui. Building projects that allowed the Tang to benefit were projects such as fixing the Great Wall of China.

How did the Tang Dynasty benefit from the accomplishments of the Sui 4 What steps did the Tang take to restore China’s bureaucracy?

What steps did the Tang take to restore China’s bureaucracy? To restore China’s bureacracy the Tang rulers took the steps by reviving and expanding the civil service exams begun by the Han Dynasty. This helped the people who passed the exams to become part of the government.

What Sui accomplishments helped the Tang Dynasty become powerful?

How are the accomplishments of the two dynasties similar?

“How are the accomplishments of the two dynasties similar?” Both dynasties created a civil working government and built a very large empire; the Tang couldn’t control their empire though.

What did the Sui and Tang dynasties do to improve China?

What did the Sui and Tang dynasties do to improve China? The Tang dynasty carried out reforms and tried to improve the government. The Sui dynasty rebuilt the Great Wall and rebuilt the Grand Canal. Under the rule of the Tang rulers China regained much of its power from Asia and expanded the areas under their control.

How did the Tang Dynasty benefit from the accomplishments of the Sui?

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