What are the advanced topics in Java?

What are the advanced topics in Java?

Advance Java Topics or Syllabus

  • Basics of a Web application. What is a web application?
  • Web Container and Web Application Project Set up. To set up Tomcat Container on a machine.
  • Servlets. What are Servlets?
  • Session Management. What is a session?
  • JSPs. Introduction to JSP and need for JSPs.
  • JSP Elements.
  • JSP Tag library.

What is the best way to learn advanced Java?

  1. Codecademy. Codecademy is probably one of the best places to learn Java online.
  2. Udemy. Udemy offers Java tutorials from complete beginner to expert level.
  3. Coursera.
  4. Java Code Geeks.
  5. Learn Java.
  6. Oracle Java Tutorials.
  7. edX.
  8. SoloLearn.

What is meant by advanced Java?

Advanced Java is everything that goes beyond Core Java – most importantly the APIs defined in Java Enterprise Edition, includes Servlet programming, Web Services, the Persistence API, etc. It is a Web & Enterprise application development platform which basically follows client & server architecture.

What is java and advanced java?

In brief, Core Java and Advanced Java are two types of Java language. The main difference between Core Java and Advanced Java is that Core Java is used to build general applications while Advanced Java is used to build enterprise level applications.

Where is advanced java used?

Advance java is used for web based application and enterprise application.

Is advanced Java and J2EE same?

Java Enterprise Edition (J2EE) is categorized as Advanced Java. So, the Java platform is an environment that facilitates the execution of Java applications. Java Platforms. There are 4 different platforms of the Java programming language.

Which software is used for Java programming?

The Java Development Kit (JDK) is a Sun product aimed at Java developers. Since the introduction of Java, it has been by far the most widely used Java software development kit (SDK). It contains a Java compiler, a full copy of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), and many other important development tools.

What is JSP in advance Java?

It stands for Java Server Pages. It is a server side technology. In this JSP tags are used to insert JAVA code into HTML pages. It is an advanced version of Servlet Technology. It is a Web based technology helps us to create dynamic and platform independent web pages.

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