What are the examples of applets?

What are the examples of applets?

Examples of Web-based Applets include:

  • QuickTime movies.
  • Flash movies.
  • Windows Media Player applets, used to display embedded video files in Internet Explorer (and other browsers that supported the plugin)
  • 3D modeling display applets, used to rotate and zoom a model.

How do you display a file in Java?

Java allows the applet to transfer the control to another URL by using the showDocument () Method defined in the AppletContext interface. For this, first of all, it is needed to obtain the Context of the currently executing applet by calling the getAppletContext () method defined by the Applet.

What is a hostile applet?

Introducing Hostile Applets Definition: A hostile applet is any applet which, when downloaded, attempts to monopolize or exploit your system’s resources in an inappropriate manner. An applet which performs, or causes you to perform, an action which you would not otherwise care to do should be deemed hostile.

How do you create an applet explain with an example?

Simple example of Applet by html file:

  1. //First.java.
  2. import java.applet.Applet;
  3. import java.awt.Graphics;
  4. public class First extends Applet{
  5. public void paint(Graphics g){
  6. g.drawString(“welcome”,150,150);
  7. }
  8. }

How do I run an AppletViewer?

To run an applet with the Applet Viewer, enter the following command: appletviewer , where is one of the following options: The file name of an HTML file that calls an applet. The URL of a web page that calls an applet.

What is applet to applet communication in Java?

java. AppletContext class provides the facility of communication between applets. We provide the name of applet through the HTML file. It provides getApplet() method that returns the object of Applet.

What is applet context?

Interface AppletContext. public interface AppletContext. This interface corresponds to an applet’s environment: the document containing the applet and the other applets in the same document. The methods in this interface can be used by an applet to obtain information about its environment.

How do you make a simple applet?

Compile the Java source code. Create an HTML page that references the applet. Open the HTML page in a browser….They will be the same for every applet you make:

  1. Write the Java code in a text file.
  2. Save the file.
  3. Compile the code.
  4. Fix any errors.
  5. Reference the applet in a HTML page.
  6. Run the applet by viewing the web page.

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