What does retail theft under ring mean?

What does retail theft under ring mean?

Retail theft, on the other hand, may include stealing anything from a pack of gum to committing a more serious crime like “under-ringing.” Under-ringing refers to the criminal act of manipulating a cash register or some other sales device in order to force it to reflect an amount that is less than the full price of an …

What is the penalty for retail theft in Illinois?

The misdemeanor offense of retail theft is a Class A misdemeanor, with a potential penalty of up to 364 days in jail and a maximum fine of $2,500. The defendant would be eligible for supervision, which is not a conviction and can be expunged.

What makes a retail theft a felony in Illinois?

Theft by emergency exit of property, the full retail value of which exceeds $300 in a single transaction, or in separate transactions committed by the same person as part of a continuing course of conduct from one or more mercantile establishments over a period of one year, is a Class 2 felony.

How much is felony retail theft in Illinois?

Retail Value: More Than $300 If the retail value exceeds $300 (amount can be calculated over the course of a year), the person faces a Class 3 felony. It’s a Class 2 felony to use an emergency exit to facilitate retail theft(s) involving more than $300 worth of items. (720 Ill.

What type of crime is retail theft?

Committing a retail theft crime is a misdemeanor. This is opposed to a felony or an infraction. The offense is punishable by: custody in county jail for up to six months, and/or.

Can retail theft be expunged in Illinois?

A retail theft can be charged as a misdemeanor or felony under Illinois law depending on the value of the items taken and the defendant’s criminal background. If you are able to get the case dismissed or plead guilty and receive supervision you may be eligible for an Expungement. …

What is the new statute for retail theft in Illinois?

Retail theft used to be codified under 720 ILCS 5/16A-13. The new statute is 720 ILCS 5/16-25 which became effective on January 1, 2012. This article also encompasses the changes from 2011 that increased the cutoff for misdemeanor retail thefts from $150 to $300.

Is it retail theft if you ring up a customer?

It is retail theft for an employee such as a cashier to ring up a customer for less than the full retail value of the items. If the employee unlawfully applies discounts or charges the consumer for different goods that cost less, it is retail theft.

What happens if you get arrested for shoplifting in Illinois?

See 720 ILCS 5/16-25 (b). A person who was arrested for this offense should expect to receive notices in the mail from law firms demanding payment for civil penalties. The law provides that the store can collect up to $1,000 in addition to the value of the goods taken, as well as legal fees.

What is the typical case of retail theft?

The typical case of retail theft involves some factual scenario where the accused took something from a store without paying for it. This is referred to as shoplifting and it is by far the most common form of retail theft. The law provides the following:

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