What if a guy is online but not replying?

What if a guy is online but not replying?

Originally Answered: what does it mean if a guy is online and he replied late to you purposely? May be he is trying to play hard to get. So that you wait for him to answer you. Or may be he is genuinely busy in some other conversation.

Why does he go online but not read my message?

So the most probable reason should be him being busy with something. It means that he’s not checking your message, which probably means he doesn’t want to deal with you, though there are alternative explanations, like he could be too shy or nervous to answer, or may not have even seen your message at all.

Why does he take hours to reply?

They’re Busy Or Overwhelmed Taking a while to respond to your texts could also mean your SO is busy with work or school. “Delays in returning your text message may mean nothing. Your partner could be with a client, driving a car, or tied up in an important meeting,” Winter says.

How do you know if he is losing interest?

8 Signs He’s Losing Interest and What to Do About It

  • He’s making excuses.
  • He’s not as responsive on this phone.
  • He’s become defensive and rude.
  • He stops asking questions.
  • He’s more vague and indecisive.
  • There’s no sex.
  • You’re only having sex.
  • The relationship is stagnant.

Will a guy text you if he’s not interested?

#6 – He Likes the Attention It’s that feeling of “Yes! If he is a little insecure or lonely, the feeling he gets when you text him back probably feels amazing – and so he wants to keep feeling it. This means he’s going to keep texting you even if he’s not interested in anything more.

Why is he online on WhatsApp all the time?

Originally Answered: What does it mean if a guy is always online on whatsapp? It means he likes to be on whatsapp.

Why do guys not reply to texts?

Sometimes, the simplest reason he is not texting back could be hidden in his past. Maybe he had a rough past relationship and is still recovering. Often, men take time to open up and respond in such cases. They might be interested in you, but they are simply being cautious and taking time to respond and reciprocate.

What does it mean when a guy doesn’t respond?

If you aren’t saying something interesting, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you. He simply isn’t interested in the conversation, and therefore, he has no need to respond, especially right away. As I mentioned earlier, men do not feel the need to keep up a texting conversation the way women do.

How long does it take a guy to reply to a message?

It literally takes two seconds to reply to a message. I’m not asking the guy to write me a novel, he just has to take a few seconds to reply to my message. Even if he’s just letting me know he’s busy or will get back to me later, a little common courtesy would go a long way. 5. I’ve asked a direct question, so what gives?

What to do when your boyfriend doesn’t reply to your messages?

Read your last messages to him and ask yourself if they’re mostly tame or involve a complicated question or introduce a potentially in-depth conversation. If you’ve sent a relatively deep message, he might just need some time to think about how to reply to it. 6. He’s busy handling other social media tasks.

Is it annoying when someone doesn’t text you Back?

Isn’t it annoying when someone doesn’t text you back? It triggers different emotions that make the situation a lot harder to handle and control. You’ll feel annoyed, frustrated, and angry. It can even ruin your mood for the entire day.

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