What is a 7476 IC?
The 7476 is a master—slave J-K and the 74LS76 is a negative edge-triggered J-K flip-flop. Both chips have the same pin configuration. Both chips have synchronous inputs of J, K and Cp. Both chips have asynchronous inputs.
How many pins does the 7476 IC have?
How JK Flip-Flop Works? 74LS76 has 5 input pins and two output pins. The output will be depending on almost every input pin. When IC has a LOW state at reset pin then the output pin will be LOW and at the inverted output, the state will be HIGH.
How many flip flops are present in the 7476 IC?
The SN7476 is a dual in-line JK flip flop IC, i.e. it has two JK flip flops inside it and each can be used individually based on our application.
What is IC number for JK flip flop?
IC Package: The IC used is MC74HC73A (Dual JK-type flip-flop with RESET). It is a 14 pin package which contains 2 individual JK flip-flop inside.
What is a CD 4013 IC?
The CD4013 or IC-4013 is a CMOS logic chip with two D-Type (DATA) Flip-flops. A clock pulse flow to C (clock pin), will store the data at the D input. Connect clock and both Q output to make a toggle flip-flop for counting.
Which IC is used for SR flip-flop?
The IC used is SN74HC00N (Quadruple 2-Input Positive-NAND Gate). It is a 14 pin package which contains 4 individual NAND gates in it. Below is the pin diagram and the corresponding description of the pins.
How many flip-flops are in the 7476 IC Mcq?
Explanation: There are 4 flip-flops used in 7475 IC and those are D flip-flops only.
Which IC is used for SR flip flop?
How does the 4013 IC work?
The 4013 contains two independent D-type flip-flops with asynchronous set/reset inputs. Whenever the set or reset pins go high, the appropriate output is expressed immediately on the outputs. When set and reset are low, the output shows the data at the input at the time of the last low-to-high clock transition.
What is 7476 datasheet?
7476 Datasheet. General Description. This device contains two independent positive pulse triggered J-K flip-flops with complementary outputs. The J and K data is processed by the flip-flop after a complete clock pulse. While the clock is LOW the slave is isolated from the master.
What is the sn7476 IC?
The SN7476 is a dual in-line JK flip flop IC, i.e. it has two JK flip flops inside it and each can be used individually based on our application. The term JK flip flop comes after its inventor Jack Kilby.
What is the difference between IC 7476a and IC 74ls76?
7476A has multiple packages with 14-pin PDIP, GDIP and PDSO. 74LS76 comes with a functional Preset and Clear. The IC gives the output in TTL form which allows it to work with other TTL devices and microcontrollers. IC 74LS76 can be used as a single flip flop without affecting the others.
What is the JK flip flop IC 7476?
The JK flip flop in this 7476 IC also has a preset and clear function which allows the IC to bypass the clock and inputs and give the different outputs. 7476 is TTL based and can be operated with any TTL based device or any microcontroller. The IC comes in multiple packages that make the IC use any hardware according to the requirement.