What is a NAM appliance?

What is a NAM appliance?

Nasoalveolar Molding (NAM) is a nonsurgical method of reshaping the gums, lip and nose before cleft lip and palate surgery. The NAM appliance is a small removable device similar to an orthodontic retainer. It gradually applies pressure to decrease the severity of the cleft and improve the shape of the nose.

How does a NAM device work?

NAM works by gently directing the growth of your baby’s gums and the shape of their nose during the first few months after birth, when these tissues are soft and easy to mold. Parents work with a Seattle Children’s orthodontist during NAM therapy.

What does a NAM do for cleft palate?

Nasoalveolar molding (NAM) is a presurgical therapy used to reduce the size of the cleft or palate deformity of the lip, gum and nose before surgical repair. The goal of NAM is to reduce the size of the cleft deformity of the lip, gum and nose (oronasal deformity) before surgical repair.

What is Nasoalveolar molding?

A nasoalveolar mold(called NAM for short) treats both cleft lip and cleft palate. It is an appliance that is put into the top of a baby’s mouth. The NAM slowly moves the gums closer together and helps to close the gap where the cleft is.

What is Nam medical term?

Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Institute. Nasoalveolar Molding (NAM)

Who developed Nam?

Dr Da Silveira
NAM begins as soon as possible, and as early as the baby’s first week of life. Dr Da Silveira and her team make a mold of the newborn’s mouth. This mold is used to create the NAM device, which is similar to an orthodontic retainer. Except for cleaning, the baby wears the device 24 hours a day.

What is a NAM USMC?

The Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (NAM), is the United States Navy and U.S. Marine Corps’ version of the Achievement Medal. The award is still often referred to in shorthand speech as the “Navy Achievement Medal” or “NAM” for short.

What is a palatoplasty in medical terms?

A palatoplasty is a surgical procedure used to correct or reconstruct the PALATE in a person with a CLEFT PALATE. The basic goals of this surgery are to: Close the abnormal opening between the nose and mouth.

What does Neb mean in medical terms?

NEB. – nebulizer. NKDA. – no known drug allergies.

What does NAM stand for in nursing?


Acronym Definition
NAN National Association of Nurses
NAN Navy After Next
NAN Naval Afloat Network(s)
NAN Naval Air Navigation

What is cleft taping?

Dynacleft is a self-adhesive tape that helps to align both the bones and soft tissues for patients born with a complete cleft lip and cleft palate. This tape is placed on your child’s face during the months leading up to the surgery.

Which is a complication of the Nasoalveolar molding Nam appliance therapy?

The most common problems observed during NAM therapy are irritation to the oral mucosa, gingival tissue or nasal mucosa. Intraoral tissues may ulcerate from excessive pressure applied by the appliance.

What are the different types of cleft palate surgical procedures?

Cleft palate surgical procedures 1 Primary cleft lip repair (cheiloplasty) The goals of primary cleft lip repair involve reconstruction… 2 Cleft palate repair (palatoplasty) Cleft palate repair is of concern to plastic surgeons,… 3 Other surgeries/procedures. Further surgery may be done to 1) correct speech problems not resolved…

Can cleft palate be repaired at 1 year old?

Cleft palate repair. Cleft palate repair is a more complicated surgery and has the best outcome when the child is slightly older and better able to tolerate the surgery, but before significant speech development occurs. Surgical repair of the palate generally occurs around 1 year of age, following the successful repair of cleft lip if present.

What kind of Doctor does a cleft palate repair?

Cleft palate repair is of concern to plastic surgeons, speech pathologists, otolaryngologists and orthodontists with respect to the timing of the operation, the type of palatoplasty to be considered and the effect of the repair on speech, facial growth and eustachian tube function.

How do you fix a cleft palate?

The only way to repair a cleft palate is by surgery. The goal is to close the opening in the roof of the child’s mouth. Your child will be in the operating room for only a few hours. The hospital stay is usually 1 to 3 days. You will begin to prepare your child for surgery 2 weeks before the scheduled date.

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