What is an example of a periodic sentence?

What is an example of a periodic sentence?

Examples of periodic sentences include: In spite of heavy snow and cold temperatures, the game continued. With low taxes, beautiful views and a mild climate, this city is a great place to live. Positive thinking, by helping us stay focused and maintaining a good attitude, is important for a happy life.

What is a periodic sentence rhetorical effect?

Periodic sentences—A sentence not grammatically complete before the end; the opposite of a loose sentence. The idea is to throw the mind forward to the idea which will complete the meaning. This sentence arouses interest and curiosity, holds an idea in suspense before its final revelation is made.

What is a periodic sentence also known as?

A periodic sentence is a complex sentence in which the main clause, or main point, occurs at the end of the sentence instead of the beginning. This clause expresses a complete thought and can stand on its own as a simple sentence.

What is the effect of periodic sentence?

A periodic sentence often produces a dramatic tension and suspense to the main point at the end of the sentence. The dependent clauses that come before the independent clause serve to stress the importance of the key idea. A loose sentence, in contrast, creates the effect of immediacy and naturalness.

What is periodic sentence and loose sentence?

A loose sentence makes sense and will stand alone as a sentence even if brought to a close before the period. A periodic sentence has its main clause at the end of the sentence with additional grammatical units added before this main or independent clause.

What is a periodic structure?

Periodic structure is found in many materials and systems. It is the regular arrangement of atoms, particles, or unit cells which results in both dispersion and band gaps. This finite size has a significant effect on the frequency band structure that originates from periodicity.

What is a non periodic sentence?

A loose/ non periodic sentence is a type of sentence in which the main idea (the independent clause) comes first, followed by dependent grammatical units such as phrases and clauses.

What is an example of loose sentence?

Here are some loose sentence examples: I went to the movies yesterday, bought candy, and shopped at the mall. He might consider paying the higher fees at a private university, if the teacher/student ratio is small, the teachers are highly qualified, and the job placement rate is high.

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