What is JRJR cigar?

What is JRJR cigar?

JR Cigar is the leading cigar retailer in the game. The huge selection, affordable prices, guaranteed freshness, same-day shipping, fast cigar delivery, top-notch customer service, low shipping rates and super-fast website all make JR Cigar the premier and only spot to buy cigars online.

How to become a cigar pro?

Visit the JR University or take advantage of the JR Cigar School to become a cigar pro. JR Cigar is the leading cigar retailer in the game.

Why buy our cigar samplers?

Our top-quality Cigar Samplers allow you to fine tune your palate and experience many of the great blends that the ever-growing premium industry has to offer. With so many different brands, sizes, shapes, wrapper colors, and countries of origin on the market; finding your favorite cigars can often be a painstaking and costly process.

Are Romeo&Julieta cigars any good?

Plus, they’re just as good as any other top-quality brand on the market. Established in 1875, and named after Shakespeare’s famous tragic play, the Romeo y Julieta brand has been sparking love affairs with cigar smokers around the world for over 145 years.

Who makes the best cigars in the world?

Cohiba is pretty tough to beat! Davidoff is known around the world as the creator of the finest cigars in the world. More than just a manufacturer, Davidoff is a high-end purveyor of the most elegant tobacco products in the industry, boasting some of the best-made cigars you will ever see, along with luxurious accessories and pipes.

Where are Montecristo cigars made?

The storied Montecristo marque has become the symbol of excellence in the world of handmade premium cigars. The enduring tradition of Montecristo continues today in the Dominican Republic and their newer state-of-the-art factories in Honduras and Nicaragua.

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