What is number 21 in the Bible?

What is number 21 in the Bible?

Some say that as twenty-one is the result of three times seven, both considered perfect, the number is perfect by default. Others, however, believe twenty-one represents wickedness, rebellion and sin.

What is the fiery serpent in Numbers 21?

Numbers 21. The children of Israel destroy those Canaanites who fight against them—The Israelites are plagued with fiery serpents—Moses lifts up a serpent of brass to save those who look thereon—Israel defeats the Amorites, destroys the people of Bashan, and occupies their lands.

What chapter is Numbers in the Bible?


Book / Division Chapters
Numbers 36
Deuteronomy 34
Historical Books 249
Joshua 24

What happened at hormah?

The city is mentioned in Book of Numbers 14:45 as the site of an Israelite defeat: Then the Amalekites and the Canaanites who dwelt in that mountain came down and attacked them, and drove them back as far as Hormah. They completely destroyed them and their towns; so the place was named Hormah.

What is special about the number 21?

2 21 is a triangle number – it is the sum of the first six whole numbers (1+2+3+4+5+6=21). 3 21 is the eighth number in the Fibonacci sequence, where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. 4 A shape with 21 sides is called a icosikaihenagon. 5 21 is the atomic number of the chemical element scandium.

Why did God send fiery serpents?

Because of their lack of faith and their evil words, the LORD God sent fiery serpents among the people to bite them, and many of the people died. The people then acknowledged their sin and asked Moses to pray to the LORD that He remove the serpents from them.

What is a winged snake called?

Winged serpent or Winged Serpent may refer to: Feathered Serpent, a Mesoamerican deity. Lindworm or Wyvern, legendary creatures sometimes depicted as winged serpents. Amphiptere, a type of winged serpent found in European heraldry.

What does Arad mean in Hebrew?

Biblical Names Meaning: In Biblical Names the meaning of the name Arad is: A wild ass; a dragon.

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