What is Semillon wine?

What is Semillon wine?

Sémillon is a plump white grape popular in Bordeaux and Australia. It is used to make both dry and sweet wines, with its most popular incarnation as the base for Sauternes. It is thick-skinned and relatively easy to cultivate with a good resistance to disease and a propensity to ripen early.

Do you pronounce the z in Shiraz?

It’s pronounced “Shee-RAZZ” in that Australian accent; here in the States the way people say it rhymes more with “pizzazz.” I also sometimes hear the second syllable a bit more softly, ending more in an “–oz” sound.

What is Semillon called in France?

In France, the Sémillon grape is grown mostly in Bordeaux where it is blended with Sauvignon blanc and Muscadelle. When dry, it is referred to as Bordeaux blanc and is permitted to be made in the appellations of Pessac-Léognan, Graves, Entre-Deux-Mers and other less-renowned regions.

Is Semillon sweet or dry?

Sémillon is a golden-skinned grape used to make dry and sweet white wines, mostly in France and Australia. Its thin skin and susceptibility to botrytis make it dominate the sweet wine region Sauternes AOC and Barsac AOC.

What is the meaning of Semillon?

Related to Semillon: Semillon Blanc Sé·mil·lon also Se·mil·lon (sā′mēl-yôN) n. 1. A variety of grape originally grown in France that is often blended with other grapes to make white wine, including the French Sauternes.

Is Semillon a dry wine?

Semillon as a monovarietal dry wine is, arguably, at its finest i.. View article Semillon and the Hunter Valley is a match made in harmony. Five standout producers from the region explain what it takes to make this variety shine.

How do you pronounce the L in Lemon?

A few other variations are used (and accepted). While the French would never pronounce the “ll” like the the “l” in “lemon,” some say “se-mi-lon” or “sem-uh-lon.” Sign Up for Wine Spectator’s Free Email Newsletters and stay up-to-date with all things wine.

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