What is the best in KLAS report?

What is the best in KLAS report?

The Best in KLAS report recognizes software and services companies who excel in helping healthcare professionals improve patient care. All rankings are a direct result of the feedback of thousands of providers over the last year.

Can Klas measure vendor performance?

For some areas detailed in this report, KLAS already measures vendor performance, and links to that content are provided where applicable. However, note that information about vendors in this report is based mainly on vendor-reported information. Future research will further validate capabilities and dive deeper into vendor performance.

What are Klas performance insights and how do they work?

When a payer engages with KLAS, they receive access to KLAS data that is collected from healthcare providers and payers. Whether you’re an institutional investor, a financial sponsor, or leading corporate strategic efforts, KLAS performance insights can answer the tough questions that produce wise investments.

What is arch collaborative Klas?

The Arch Collaborative is a group of healthcare organizations committed to improving the EHR experience. When a payer engages with KLAS, they receive access to KLAS data that is collected from healthcare providers and payers.

Where can I find more information about Radiology?

Visit radiologyinfo.org for more comprehensive information on specific exams, disease conditions and treatments presented in easy-to-understand videos, images and articles. Diagnostic radiologists use a variety of imaging procedures to see inside the body and assess or diagnose the patient’s condition.

What is the Klas emerging technology Spotlight Report?

Brand new in 2019, KLAS’s Emerging Technology Spotlight reports help provider organizations separate reality from hype in emerging healthcare markets, companies, and technologies.

What is a LI-RADS 3 lesion?

Lesions that are placed in category LI-RADS 3 are: Nodules with features of focal nodular hyperplasia or hepatic adenoma. Nodules of < 20mm without major features but with one or more ancillary findings of malignancy such as intralesional fat, T2 hyperintensity, diffusion restriction and HB phase hypointensity.

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