What is the CMYK for maroon?
Maroon CMYK Color Codes
Hex Code | #761F14 |
RGB Values | (118, 31, 20) |
CMYK Values | (20%, 90%, 90%, 50%) |
HSV/HSB Values | (7°, 83%, 46%) |
Closest Web Safe | #663300 |
What colour matches Bordeaux?
Bordeaux is a dark, shaded, Merlot red with an oaky undertone. It is a perfect paint color to make a statement in a dining room or on a front door. Pair it with accents of hunter green and golds.
What is the color code for Bordeaux?
#5F021F Hex Color | RGB: 95, 2, 31 | BORDEAUX, RED.
Is Bordeaux red color?
Bordeaux can be white, red, or even rosé! No wonder you may be confused. Bordeaux wines are generally blends, but not always. There are many grapes permitted in Bordeaux, but the most common for red wines is Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot.
How do you make Brown CMYK?
To create brown, you must mix either red, black, and yellow (if using the CMYK system) or red and green (if using RGB). While a survey found that most people dislike brown, it is a color found both in nature and in everyday surroundings.
Is Bordeaux red or purple?
Bordeaux (“Bore-doe”) refers to a wine from Bordeaux, France. Over 90% of Bordeaux wines are red wines made with Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon.
What color make Bordeaux red?
If you’re identifying color for pretty much anything digital, you’re working in an RGB colorspace. If the project you’re working on requires percentage representation, bordeaux is made of 30% red, 11% green, and 14% blue.
Is Bordeaux and burgundy the same color?
Burgundy is a dark red-purplish colour. The colour burgundy takes its name from the Burgundy wine in France. When referring to the colour, “burgundy” is not usually capitalized. The colour burgundy is similar to Bordeaux (#4C1C24), Merlot (#73343A), Berry (#A01641), and Redberry (#701f28).
What color is Bordeaux leather?
dark red leather
Our Bordeaux is a richly-hued dark red leather. Supple and soft, this smooth-grained leather is for the person who wants something classic, but with a touch of flair.
Is Bordeaux and Burgundy the same color?
What are the CMYK values for Bordeaux?
Furthermore, the CMYK values for bordeaux are (25,83,62,67) almost parallel to the actual percentages. Now that you know what values make up the bordeaux color code, you can be sure that you’ll get the right swatch every time.
What color is Bordeaux?
This web color is described by the following tags: BORDEAUX, RED. The page belows contains color combinations, color schemes, color palettes and images that match and go good together with the hex color 5F021F.
What is a CMYK color code?
CMYK color values are commonly used in print projects and account for the different levels of cyan, magenta, yellow and black in each color. In red colors you will see the highest levels of magenta. Hex or html color codes are often used on websites. Many times these values will be converted to what are considered to be “web safe color”.
What is the difference between RGB and CMYK?
Whereas the RGB values focus on a 3-color combination, the CMYK values focus on 4-color combinations. Furthermore, the CMYK values for bordeaux are (25,83,62,67) almost parallel to the actual percentages.