What is the difference between TRIzol and TRIzol LS reagent?

What is the difference between TRIzol and TRIzol LS reagent?

The only difference between TRIzol Reagent and TRIzol LS Reagent is the concentration of components. TRIzol LS Reagent is slightly more concentrated. The formula allows lower quantities of reagent to be used relative to a liquid sample. (TRIzol = 10:1 required, TRIzol LS = 3:1 required).

What does TRI reagent do?

TRIzol (or TRI Reagent) is a monophasic solution of phenol and guanidinium isothiocyanate that simultaneously solubilizes biological material and denatures protein. Therefore, RNA, DNA, and protein can be purified from a single sample (hence, the name TRIzol).

Why TRIzol is called TRIzol?

The red dye allows easy detection of the organic phase and is non- interactive with nucleic acids. The TRI in TRIzol stands for Total RNA Isolation. It also signifies the fact that this reagent can be used in the purification of RNA, DNA and proteins from a single source.

Can TRIzol expire?

Trizol® is available as 100 and 200 ml solution in brown glass bottles. When stored at room temperature, it is stable for 12 months, but Invitrogen recommends storage at 2-8°C.

Why TRIzol is used for RNA isolation?

The low pH (acidic) of TRIzol® controls to separate RNA from DNA and protein, while a high pH can cause RNA and DNA to be isolated together. The upper aqueous phase (RNA) and the inter- and organic phase (DNA and protein). Subsequently, RNA is extracted from the aqueous phase by isopropanol precipitation.

Can TRIzol be stored at?

From the Trizol protocol: “Homogenized samples can be stored at room temperature for several hours, or at –60 to –70°C for at least one month.”

Why is TRIzol toxic?

Vigilant caution should be taken while using TRIzol (due to the phenol and chloroform). Exposure to TRIzol can be a serious health hazard. Exposure can lead to serious chemical burns, permanent scarring and kidney failure.

What is TRIzol reagent?

TRIzol Reagent is a ready to use mixture of phenol, guanidine isothiocyanate, red dye and other proprietary components that can be used to isolate total RNA in 1 hour in a single step. DNA and proteins can be recovered with sequential precipitation from the organic phase. TRIzol was developed by Piotr Chomczynski.

What is TRI Reagent ® protocol?

TRI Reagent ® Protocol What does TRI Reagent ® do? TRI Reagent ® solution (also sold as TRIzol) is a mixture of a mixture of guanidine thiocyanate and phenol in a monophase solution that is used for the isolation of DNA, RNA and protein from biological samples of human, animal, plant, yeast, bacteria, and virus.

What is Invitrogen TRIzol?

Invitrogen ™ TRIzol Reagent is a ready-to-use reagent, designed to isolate high quality total RNA (as well as DNA and proteins) from cell and tissue samples of human, animal, plant, yeast, or bacterial origin, within one hour.

What is the difference between TRIzol and TRIzol LS?

The only difference between TRIzol and TRIzol LS is in the concentration of components. TRIzol LS is slightly more concentrated formula to allow lower quantities of reagent to be used relative to sample. (TRIzol = 10:1 required, TRIzol LS = 3:1 required).


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