What is the Eliminate Project?

What is the Eliminate Project?

Kiwanis International and UNICEF teamed up in 2010 to help end maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) worldwide as partners in The Eliminate Project, an historic decade-long initiative that helped accelerate global efforts to vaccinate women of reproductive age in countries where MNT remained a threat, to protect mothers …

What does Key Club raise money for?

Key Club has been a proud participant of Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF since 1994. By collecting donations for UNICEF through the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF program over the years, Key Club has raised more than $7 million to support: Iodine deficiency programs worldwide. HIV and AIDS programs in Kenya and Swaziland.

What is Trick or Treat for Unicef Key Club?

For Key Clubbers, Halloween means more than spooky decorations, cool costumes and ghoulish treats. It’s a chance to save lives and have fun—for less than the cost of a bag of Halloween candy. Protect a mother and her future newborns from MNT by Trick-or-Treating for UNICEF.

What is MNT Key Club?

Since 2010, Key Clubs have teamed up with Kiwanis clubs and UNICEF to help eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) worldwide through The Eliminate Project. To date, we have helped save and protect lives by eliminating MNT in 27 countries.

What is maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination?

The WHO defines neonatal tetanus elimination as the occurrence at the district level of less than 1 case of NT per 1000 live births annually. Maternal and neonatal tetanus is thus considered eliminated when neonatal tetanus cases are below the defined threshold.

What does CMN stand for Key Club?

Children’s Miracle Network. “Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) is a nonprofit organization that raises money to benefit hospitalized kids and increases awareness of its member hospitals.

What is the Halloween box UNICEF?

Started on Halloween 1950 as a local event in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, the program historically involves the distribution of small orange boxes by schools to trick-or-treaters, in which they can solicit small change donations from the houses they visit.

Why is it called Key Club?

It would resemble Kiwanis, have its own classifications based on school interests and hold luncheon meetings. The club was comprised of the key boys in the school, willing to serve the school in any way possible and to create better school spirit. Thus, the club was dubbed Key Club.

Does the 20-20-20 rule really work?

In other words, the 20-20-20 rule works. While many doctors suggest the 20-20-20 rule is a best line of defense, researchers explain that any break from repetitive computer work or screens is beneficial. They also explain that children don’t typically notice eye strain as much as adults.

What is the substitute for X4 in the objective equation?

(20) Now we will use this relationship to substitute for x4in the objective equation: z = 0x1+0x2−3×3+ 1 −1 4×2+2×3 +20, z = 0x1−1 4×2− x3+0x4+21, and also in constraint (1) x1−3×3+3 1 −1 4×2+2×3

Is the 20-20-20 rule for screen time safe for kids?

While many doctors suggest the 20-20-20 rule is a best line of defense, researchers explain that any break from repetitive computer work or screens is beneficial. They also explain that children don’t typically notice eye strain as much as adults. As a result, children’s screen time should be monitored closely by caregivers.

What is X0 5 = 1-x5?

In the first iteration, variable x5increases, reaches its upper bound, and the upper bounding substitution x0 5= 1 − x5 is made. Note that, after making this substitution, the variable x0 5has coefficients opposite in sign from the coefficients of x5.

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