What is Tonogenesis?

What is Tonogenesis?

Tonogenesis is the development of distinctive tone from earlier non-tonal contrasts.

What is level tone?

‘Level tone’ can either refer to a discrete level of relative pitch, such as L or H; or it can refer to the plateau-like shape of a complex tone.

What is tone in phonetics?

tone, in linguistics, a variation in the pitch of the voice while speaking. Tone languages usually make use of a limited number of pitch contrasts. These contrasts are called the tones of the language. The domain of the tones is usually the syllable.

Which language has the most tones?

Chinese is by far the most widely spoken tonal language, though perhaps it should be noted that Chinese itself subdivides into hundreds of local languages and dialects, not all of which (e.g. Shanghainese) are as tonal as “Standard” Chinese (Mandarin), which has four tones—though some, such as Cantonese, have more …

What is tonal polarity?

The notion of tonal polarity refers to a phenomenon where a morpheme is assigned a tone opposite to an adjacent tone. Schuh (1978) and Newman (1995) propose that morphemes may be polar by nature; i.e. their surface tone is determined exclusively by the context in which they occur.

Is Japanese tonal?

Unlike Vietnamese, Thai, Mandarin, and Cantonese, Japanese is not a tonal language. Japanese speakers can form different meanings with a high or low distinction in their inflections without having a certain tone for each syllable.

Does English have noun classes?

Modern English expresses noun classes through the third person singular personal pronouns he (male person), she (female person), and it (object, abstraction, or animal), and their other inflected forms. Countable and uncountable nouns are distinguished by the choice of many/much.

Does Japanese use tones like Chinese?

Is Arabic tonal?

Arabic is not a tonal language. The pronunciation of words, letters, and writing system might be foreign to you, and fortunately, it’s written phonetically — meaning, every word is spelled exactly how it sounds.

What is tonogenesis theory in music?

The tonogenesis theory According to the tonogenesis theory, tones arise as distinctive complexes of features removed by loss or merger in sound change. The tonal features are originally present as nondistinctive concomitants of segmental distinctions which are lost.

What is the role of contactcontact in tonogenesis?

Contact plays a crucial role in tone loss, which usually proceeds through reanalysis of a prominent tone as an accent. Tonogenesis most frequently occurs as laryngeal features spread from either coda or onset to the nucleus, frequently passing through a contrast in phonation (modal, breathy, creaky) before settling down as a contrast in pitch.

What is tonogenesis in Korean?

“Tonogenesis in contemporary Korean with special reference to the onset-tone interaction and the loss of a consonant opposition”. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 133 (3570): 3570.

What is tone loss (tonoexodus)?

Tone loss (tonoexodus) is relatively understudied in comparison with the birth of tone (tonogenesis). Contact plays a crucial role in tone loss, which usually proceeds through reanalysis of a prominent tone as an accent.

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