What is Xcompmgr?

What is Xcompmgr?

Xcompmgr is a simple composite manager capable of rendering drop shadows and, with the use of the transset utility, primitive window transparency. Designed solely as a proof-of-concept, Xcompmgr is a lightweight alternative to Compiz and similar composite managers.

How do I get transparency on i3?

  1. install compton.
  2. add “exec –no-startup-id compton” in to i3 config to autostart it.
  3. ~/.config/compton.conf set opacity level for your applications. Here is 85 oppacity for my termite terminal.

How do you make termite transparency?

Transparency. As of version 9, Termite supports true transparency via color definitions that specify an alpha channel value [2]. This requires a compositor to be running, such as picom or xcompmgr. Most compositors do not require special configuration for Termite to use transparency.

Does i3 have a compositor?

3 answers. i3 is peculiar among window managers in that it is not a compositing window manager. Compton also has special effects it can apply to windows such as fading and shadows.

Do I need a compositor?

A compositor should be used if there is a need of transparency, transition animations, v-sync and similar aesthetic features. Note that most desktop environments (like gnome) come with their own integrated compositors.

Why do people use transparent terminals?

It’s just sometimes convenient to be able to bring the window I’m typing in to the foreground while having some information available to see at the same time in the background. By using a slight amount of transparency this is possible without creating unnecessary distractions.

How do you install termite terminals?

Install Termite on Ubuntu 18.04 / Ubuntu 16.04 by using the steps below:

  1. Step 1: Install Development Tools.
  2. Step 2: Install Termite Build Dependencies.
  3. Step 3: Install Enhanced vte terminal widget.
  4. Step 4: Build and Install termite on Ubuntu 18.04 / Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
  5. Step 5: Configuring Termite Terminal Emulator.

Do you need a compositor Linux?

You would need to install a compositor separately if you are using a minimalistic desktop environment of window manager such as dwm, i3 or awesome. In such a case, since the environment is bare-bones (in the order of 1 to 5 megabytes), it is not shipped with a compositor off the shelf.

Is X11 a compositor?

(Not maintained since 2017.) Picom-a lightweight compositor for X11. It is a fork of Compton. Cairo Compmgr (Cairo Composite Manager)—a compositing add-on for existing window managers.

Does i3 support compositing?

i3 is peculiar among window managers in that it is not a compositing window manager. From Wikipedia: A compositing window manager is a window manager that provides applications with an off-screen buffer for each window. Fading is mostly supported except for a bug with vertically split windows.

Do I need a compositor i3?

How to add xcompmgr to I3?

to get a real transparency you can add to your .i3/config file the line: exec xcompmgr -c -f -n and install xcompmgr, it seems to be present on every package manager like apt, entropy, yum, portage, pacman/aur and so on..

What is xcompmgr?

Xcompmgr is a simple composite manager capable of rendering drop shadows and, with the use of the transset utility, primitive window transparency. Designed solely as a proof-of-concept, Xcompmgr is a lightweight alternative to Compiz and similar composite managers.

How to add terminal transparency to I3?

to get a real transparency you can add to your .i3/config file the line: exec xcompmgr -c -f -n and install xcompmgr, it seems to be present on every package manager like apt, entropy, yum, portage, pacman/aur and so on.. (Terminator transparency don’t work as a full transparency on i3 without some compositing manager, by the way)

How to improve xcompmgr transparency?

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >100 is welcome to improve it. to get a real transparency you can add to your .i3/config file the line: exec xcompmgr -c -f -n and install xcompmgr, it seems to be present on every package manager like apt, entropy, yum, portage, pacman/aur and so on..

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