Where is the phone code +212 from?

Where is the phone code +212 from?

New York
Area code 212/Cities

How many digits is Morocco phone number?

9 digits
All phone numbers in Morocco are 9 digits in length (excluding the leading 0). Morocco uses a closed numbering plan, i.e. the prefix is not omitted for local calls. This is necessary because the same geographic area can be served by several prefixes. Casablanca, for instance, has 10 prefixes.

What is Morocco Whatsapp code?

WA.ME/212 – Dial and save Whatsapp number – Morocco (MA) prefix: +212 / 00212.

Can you still get a 212 number?

While 212 area code numbers are available, you can’t request them from the phone company. When you buy a new cell phone and a new line of service, you won’t be randomly assigned a 212 phone number either. There’s only one surefire way to get your hands on a legit 212 number: by ordering one from 212areacode.com.

What time is it in 212?

Area code 212

State Larger cities in area code 212 Time Zone
NY New York New York City (Manhattan area) EASTERN Current time is 05:30:48 PM
— overlaid by area codes 646, 332 and 917 —

Does Morocco use WhatsApp?

According to Hootsuite’s annual report, Whatsapp is the most popular social media platform in Morocco, used by 81 percent of Moroccan internet users.

How can I call WhatsApp from USA to Morocco?

To call Morocco from the U.S., just follow these basic dialing instructions:

  1. First dial 011, the U.S. exit code.
  2. Next dial 212, the country code for Morocco.
  3. Then dial the 9-digit phone.

How do I add Moroccan number to WhatsApp?

Open your phone’s address book. When adding the contact’s phone number, start by entering a plus sign (+). Enter the country code, followed by the full phone number. Note: A country code is a numerical prefix that must be entered before the full national phone number to make a call to another country.

Can I WhatsApp someone in another country?

You can use WhatsApp internationally for free with Wi-Fi; depending on your cellular plan, you may incur international charges for using cellular data on WhatsApp. To preclude international data fees, you can turn roaming off on your phone and still use Wi-Fi.

What is the telephone country code for Morocco?

The country code for Morocco is +212. This country code, along with the area code, is required to call a telephone number in Morocco from another country. Also an international dialing prefix, specific to the country from which you are calling, is to be added before Morocco country code while calling Morocco.

Is Morocco an Islamic country?

Morocco is an Islamic country (approximately 99% of the country are Muslims) and this has a considerable effect on that population and, at times, the traveller. Muslims (those that follow Islam) are expected to pray 5 times per day, with the first call to prayer at dawn (the call to prayer nowadays coming from speakers on the minaret of the mosque.

Is Morocco a good country?

Morocco is known for being one of the most tolerant of the Arab nations. The country is relatively safe, peaceful and stable. Moroccan people, both Arabic and Berber , are also noted for their warm hospitality and friendly nature.

Is Morocco a country or a state?

Morocco officially known as the Kingdom of Morocco is a state located in the Maghreb area of North Africa. The country has rugged mountains and large sections of desert. It is among the three nations together with France and Spain that have both the Mediterranean and Atlantic coastlines.

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