Which crops are grown in laterite soil?

Which crops are grown in laterite soil?

Crops in Laterite – Lateritic Soils Laterite soils lack fertility due to intensive leaching. When manured and irrigated, some laterites are suitable for growing plantation crops like tea, coffee, rubber, cinchona, coconut, arecanut, etc.

What type of soil is in Nigeria?

The major soil types in Nigeria, according to FAO soil taxonomy legends are fluvisols, regosols, gleysols, acrisols, ferrasols, alisols, lixisols, cambisols, luvisols, nitosols, arenosols and vertisols. These soil types vary in their potential for agricultural use.

Where can sandy soil be found in Nigeria?

Northern zone – sandy soils This sandy soil is mostly found in Sokoto, Kano, Kaduna. Its lightness and looseness are well suited for planting crops.

What crops are grown by the Hausa?

The Hausa economy has rested on the intensive cultivation of sorghum, corn (maize), millet, and many other crops grown on rotation principles and utilizing the manure of Fulani cattle.

Where is laterite found?

laterite, soil layer that is rich in iron oxide and derived from a wide variety of rocks weathering under strongly oxidizing and leaching conditions. It forms in tropical and subtropical regions where the climate is humid.

Where laterite soil is found?

The laterite soils are commonly found in the hilly areas of Odisha and Assam, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, and Madhya Pradesh.

Where is loam soil found in Nigeria?

Generally, southeast Nigeria has soil texture mostly composed of sandy clay and sandy loam soil. Although, Enugu state is noticed to have almost all the available soil texture found within the state.

Where is laterite found in Nigeria?

It occurs mostly in tropical African countries and in Nigeria, it can be found in vast quantities in Abia and Oyo State. Laterite is characterized as a reddish clay-like material that is hard when dry and forms topsoil in some tropical or subtropical regions where it is sometimes used for building.

Where can I get clay soil in Nigeria?

Clay deposits occur in Abak, Akwa Ibom State, Uruove near Ughelli in Delta State, Ifon in Ondo State, Mokola in Oyo State, Sokoto in Sokoto State, Gombe in Gombe State, Dangara in Niger State, Umuahia in Abia State, Onitsha in Anambra State e.t.c. Almost every State in Nigeria has at least one known deposit of kaolin.

What is Hausa known for?

The Hausa were known for fishing, hunting, agriculture, salt-mining, and blacksmithing. By the 14th century, Kano had become the most powerful city-state. Kano had become the base for the trans-Saharan trade in salt, cloth, leather, and grain.

What is laterite soil?

noun Geology. a reddish ferruginous soil formed in tropical regions by the decomposition of the underlying rocks. a similar soil formed of materials deposited by water. any soil produced by the decomposition of the rocks beneath it.

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