Who is the main character in the apology?

Who is the main character in the apology?

Socrates. The protagonist of The Apology, as well as all of Plato’s other dialogues. Socrates seems to be a very simple man, not having many material possessions and speaking in a plain, conversational manner.

Who was Socrates talking to in the apology?

Introduction. The Apology of Socrates begins with Socrates addressing the jury of perhaps 500 Athenian men to ask if they have been persuaded by the Orators Lycon, Anytus, and Meletus, who have accused Socrates of corrupting the young people of the city and impiety against the pantheon of Athens.

Who died from drinking hemlock?

The death of Socrates in 399 BCE, as reported by Plato in the Phaedo, is usually attributed to poisoning with common hemlock.

What Greek hero does Socrates compare himself to in the apology?

By comparing himself to the Greek hero Achilles before the jury in Plato’s Apology, Socrates attempts to portray himself as a hero of equal merit to Achilles and others of similar standing.

What is Socrates character?

Socrates was a selfless man, wanting only to bring goodness to the Athenians. He was magnanimous, forgiving his persecutors. He assured them that he did not fear death. Wherefore, O judges, be of a good cheer about death, and know of a certainty, that no evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death.

What happened to Socrates in the apology?

Socrates is found guilty by a narrow margin and is asked to propose a penalty. Socrates jokingly suggests that if he were to get what he deserves, he should be honored with a great meal for being of such service to the state. On a more serious note, he rejects prison and exile, offering perhaps instead to pay a fine.

What is the main theme of the apology?

In Plato’s Apology, Socrates upholds that true wisdom involves acknowledging one’s own ignorance.

What is the main idea of the Apology of Socrates?

“The Apology” is Plato’s account of the three speeches that Socrates gave at his trial for false teaching and heresy in 399 B.C.E. At the age of 71, Socrates fought at his trial not for his life, but for the truth. He urged hi s fellow Athenians to examine their own lives, to question their leaders, and to pursue wisdom .

Who are the characters in the apology?

Characters Socrates – The protagonist of The Apology, as well as all of Plato’s other dialogues. Socrates seems to be a very simple man, not having many material possessions and speaking in a plain, conversational manner. Meletus – The chief accuser of Socrates, responsible for bringing him to trial.

What is ironic about Socrates’method of philosophizing?

However, this seeming plainness is all a part of the ironic characteristic of Socrates’ method. Professing his own ignorance, he engages in conversation with someone claiming to be an expert, usually in ethical matters.

Who is Meletus in the apology?

The chief accuser of Socrates, responsible for bringing him to trial. Little is known about Meletus and by all accounts, he seems to have been a rather insignificant figure. Plato’s portrayal of him, both in The Apology and in The Euthyphro (see 2b) is far from sympathetic.

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