Why is jrcsvexporter a grid exporter?

Why is jrcsvexporter a grid exporter?

CSV is a character-based file format whose content is structured in rows and columns, so the JRCsvExporter is a grid exporter because it must transform the free-form content of each page from the source document into a grid-like structure using the special grid layout algorithm.

Why can’t I export rich content documents to CSV?

Because CSV is a data-oriented file format, exporting rich content documents to CSV results in a tremendous loss of quality. The CSV exporter will completely ignore graphic elements present in the source document that needs to be exported.

How do I export a document from JasperReports?

All document exporting in JasperReports is done through this interface. There is an implementation of this interface for every document format that JasperReports supports at the moment. Export customization is realized by using export parameters.

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