[Critical] Stand up straight

Deuxième realization of Katia Lewkowicz, HOLD YOU RIGHT , was presented by the director itself as a film about femininity, worn by three women with very different whose fates will ultimately related. If the film starts well enough, with funny situations and poignant, it ends quickly enough by getting lost in a scenario draft and […]

[critical] Time Out

Welcome to a world where time has replaced money. Genetically modified, men do age more after 25 years. But from this age, it is necessary to “earn” the time to stay alive. While the rich, young and handsome for eternity, accumulate the time by tens of years, other beg, steal and borrow the few hours […]


History : You remember when you were seventeen years old ? Xiao Yang, a high school student seventeen-year-old, is the confidant of his entourage. His father, owner of a small printing press, meeting Li, the girl next door, which is soon to be married. During this time, his mother moves closer to Shi-An, tailor’s shop […]


History : Piotr, a doctor disillusioned, leaves for Siberia, leaving behind him his friend Sacha… The confrontation of two men to the fates opposed in the only color film of Chepitko. I was talking about The Ascension, of cinematographic language, two-speed, of sensor. There is a little bit of that in this YOU AND I, […]

6 tips on how to sell your script

You sacrificed countless hours of personal life and your peace of mind, pouring your souls on the pages, and, to be completely truthful, you almost every day reviewed the results of your work and, consequently, made new decisions. You know that creating a script requires the creation of several ready-made projects and there are not […]

[critical] TOKYO FIANCÉE

TOKYO BRIDE is the story ofAmélie, a young belgian of 20 years is dreaming in japanese, and part of immersing yourself in this city, this country, this culture. Let us specify from the outset. TOKYO FIANCÉE has nothing to do with Lost in Translation, where Sofia Coppola was all his camera (and its sensitivity) on […]

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