Ct his year, the editors leave the rooms of post production in which they flourish and take matters in hand. Not enough to give body to the story of another, they then change hats to tell their own story, and direct during the shooting, before returning to their positions of choice. A trend is not […]

[critical] Thor

The kingdom of Asgard, Thor is a warrior as powerful as arrogant and whose reckless acts trigger a war ancestral. Banned and sent to Earth by his father Odin, he is condemned to live among the humans. But when the evil forces of his kingdom are about to be let loose on the Earth, Thor […]

[critical] CAPTIVE

Disons immediately. This film is a thriller where most of the elements have already been seen elsewhere. Its slow pace doesn’t really play in his favor, the end of the film seeks more to provoke the re-evaluation of all that to conclude the investigation. The trick Egoyan’s lies in the methodical organisation of all these […]


Esther is one of those movies that irritate the highest point. Not that it is totally bad, despite a few faults which will leak some but it is just miserably sold. Let me explain : Esther is sold as a horror movie-horror. Nothing that this aspect should attract viewers wanting to see blood, guts, and […]

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