What is X in headers?

What is X in headers? X-headers are custom email headers added into email in addition to the standard headers, such as the To, From, and Subject, according to the specific needs of the sender. X-headers start with an X to denote that the value is experimental or an extension of the standard header. What is […]

Can you get skin rashes from cats?

Can you get skin rashes from cats? Symptoms of cat allergies can include: coughing and wheezing. hives or a rash on the chest and face. red, itchy eyes. What does a severe allergic reaction to cats look like? Symptoms of an allergic reaction to cats range from mild to severe, and include swollen, red, itchy, […]

What station is 70s music on?

What station is 70s music on? 181.fm – Super 70’s. Why 70’s music is the best? The top tunes from the ’70s feel incredibly diverse, both in sound and content. There are dance-oriented topics, but also ideas about a better world, about breaking free, about drugs, about superstition, not to mention the songs we aren’t […]

How do I get into academic research?

How do I get into academic research? Since most academics teach and do research at universities or colleges, you will need a graduate degree. Most institutions require a PhD, though some institutions and disciplines may only require an MA or MS, or even professional experience. How much does an academic earn UK? Table comparing average […]

Can beluga sturgeon be farmed?

Can beluga sturgeon be farmed? Beluga sturgeon are some of the oldest fish in existence, thought to be over 250 million years old. But these days, the Beluga species are critically endangered. Sturgeon Aquafarms is the only operation with a granted legal exemption to farm and harvest the rare Beluga caviar variety in the United […]

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