How do I create a RAID 1 with existing disk?

How do I create a RAID 1 with existing disk? 1 Answer. Run sudo mdadm –create –verbose /dev/md0 –force –level=1 –raid-devices=1 /dev/sdb1 . The important part here is to tell mdadm that you are using –raid-devices=1 one disk right now for the RAID Level 1. Format the newly created RAID partition and copy everything from […]

What is a Culbute?

What is a Culbute? to make a tumble, tumble. What is the translation of girl in French? fille; demoiselle; jeune femme; jeune fille; petite. What does meme mean in English from French? [meme ] feminine noun (informal) 1. (= grand-parent) granny. What does la meme mean in French? the same the same (one) How do […]

What are the structural adaptations of a wallaby?

What are the structural adaptations of a wallaby? Adaptations. Agile Wallabies have adapted to being in areas that are typically dry, often living in environments that require them to travel long distances. Wide feet and powerful hind legs are well suited to jumping, wallabies’ most efficient form of traveling. What is a structural adaptation of […]

Can you have cervical dysplasia without HPV?

Can you have cervical dysplasia without HPV? Even though HPV infection appears to be necessary for the development of cervical dysplasia and cancer, not all women who have HPV infection develop dysplasia or cancer of the cervix. Additional, yet uncharacterized, factors must also be important in causing cervical dysplasia and cancer. What is dysplastic acetabulum? […]

What does Texas Home Health do?

What does Texas Home Health do? Through these regulatory activities, HHS protects Texas citizens receiving home health, hospice and personal assistance services. Home health care includes skilled nursing care as well as other skilled care services such as physical and occupational therapy, speech- language therapy, and medical social services. Does Texas have home health care? […]

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