What causes high blood pressure in youth?

What causes high blood pressure in youth?

High blood pressure in younger children is often related to other health conditions, such as heart defects, kidney disease, genetic conditions or hormonal disorders. Older children — especially those who are overweight — are more likely to have primary hypertension.

Is it normal for a teenager to have high blood pressure?

Using the updated 2017 American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Clinical Practice Guideline , a CDC study shows that about 1 in 25 youth ages 12 to 19 have hypertension, and 1 in 10 has elevated blood pressure (previously called “prehypertension”). High blood pressure is more common in youth with obesity.

Is it normal for a child to have high blood pressure?

​We usually think of high blood pressure—also known as hypertension—as a problem that affects adults. But, in fact, the condition can be present at any age. An estimated 3.5% of all children and teens in the United States have high blood pressure, however, the condition often goes undetected and untreated.

Can puberty cause high blood pressure?

The teenage years are synonymous with puberty. The sudden bodily changes that take place during this time in a young adult’s life can also play a role. Hormone changes and rapid growth spurts can cause transient increases in blood pressure levels.

What are the symptoms of high blood pressure in a child?

Most of the time high blood pressure doesn’t cause symptoms. In rare cases, severe high blood pressure can cause headaches, blurry vision, dizziness, nosebleeds, a fluttering or racing heartbeat, and nausea. If your child has high blood pressure and gets any of these symptoms, get medical care right away.

Can a 14 year old have high blood pressure?

While high blood pressure is most common in adults, teens can have it too. High blood pressure can run in families.

Can growth spurts cause high blood pressure?

Hormone changes and rapid growth spurts can cause transient increases in blood pressure levels. As a result, even if a child isn’t overweight or inactive, they could still post high levels.

Can puberty affect blood pressure?

Blood pressure (BP) increases at an accelerated rate during puberty (1,2,3,4), and more so in males than in females (5). After the age of about 1 yr (6), the normal BP increases more during puberty than probably at any other time in an individual’s lifetime.

What causes high blood pressure in teenagers?

Primary causes of high blood pressure in teens are: Obesity which is very common in kids these days. Stressful life and unhealthy lifestyle. Teens are very much under peer pressure, pressure of studies and many more stressful situations. They are at a tender stage and are in the process of learning to fight such situations.

Why do teenagers have high blood pressure?

The prevalence of high blood pressure among adolescents is increasing. This increase is probably due to alteration in lifestyle factors resulting in obesity, sedentary life, unhealthy diet etc. More aggressive screening for blood pressure might also contribute partially to this increased prevalence of high blood pressure in teens.

What is the normal blood pressure for a teenage boy?

For example, a normal blood pressure for a 13-year-old boy, whose height falls in the 50th percentile, is below 122/77. A normal blood pressure for a 17-year-old boy who falls on the 90th percentile for height is below 135/84. High blood pressure can be diagnosed at any age. Interpretation of blood pressure measurements is similar for teen girls.

What age do you start taking blood pressure?

Children should have routine blood pressure readings starting at age 3 as part of an annual physical exam. 2  Blood pressure reading may be checked more frequently in children who: Have experienced medical complications before, during, or shortly after birth

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