


Talk about cinema in a different way :

Gattaka Mag


Hello to all. This week, I want to highlight a new webzine that just released and that I find particularly pleasant , and not just because I am in it…okay, I admit that in the beginning it was mostly because I am in it…but that was before ;o)

With the blog I find myself quite often sought by filmmakers, producers and readers, which is not to displease me, and a beautiful day of may (the 13th to 16H29) I get an email from a reader of the blog (Louise), who told me that she loves my articles. It is just that Louise is a journalist and launches with other colleagues, a Webzine of a new genus (the number of times I hear that…but well, I leave room for surprise) on the cinema and she would like that I talk to him the job of’assistant director.

It is a subject that I master, but Louise told me that it is necessary that we be fast or that one is called fast because the Webzine is called GATTAKA MAG (closed from 2016) should be out in June…in short it urge.


Telephone meeting with Louise

After a few e-mail exchanges with Louise we are called to do this interview on the craft of 1er assistant staging. I have the feeling that it is rather well framed. The interview is serious. I try to organize my ideas and that she didn’t have too much of work to put everything back in order…I remember very well the interview….it had certainly hair pulling rereading her notes, sorry Louise ;o)

Then comes the month of June…and no webzine…they are lagging behind. At the time I was shooting for the first session of the series ” Black Baron between Paris and Dunkirk. I had forgotten about that interview and, oh miracle, this week, Louise calls me to tell me that this is it, Gattaka mag is out !

Neither one nor two, I pounced on the address of the mag , and I discover with pleasure…a ufo of info and humor to billions of light-years of the interview hyper serious I have given a few months earlier. Necessarily I fall on the video titled : “Louise Tapine. “ that makes me die of laughter, so what Louise is funny, smart and a little bit cheeky (without bad puns) I feel a bit silly (cf : the sentence in paragraph above). They have really done a webzine cinema out of the ordinary ! I get off it immediately my phone and I say to Louise that I would like to tell you about it Sunday (today what ! finally yesterday…:o( )


GATTAKA MAG what is it ?

It is a web magazine that talks about cinema. Then you will say to me : “yes ok, but what is the trick again, because magazines and movies, there are plenty ! “And you score a point. Moreover, you will have understood, with the paragraph above, that I think like you. But Gattaka Mag wants to have a unique approach to the subject (and there they have succeeded). Since Gattaka mag is interested in cinema , but especially to people who do. Then do not panic this is not a webzine only for pros who talk to the pros.


They have an approach that is more general, just as your servant.

Gattaka has the ambition of addressing all the facets of filmmaking. Each issue will highlight a creator, a professional of the cinema as the magazine called : headliner. Trying to get into the universe of this creator, the team of Gattaka succeeds in introducing its readers all the facets of a work, speaking of behind the scenes and those who contribute to build and operate the magic which, in turn, brings us together.


For this first issue of “the headliner” is none other than Jan Kounen, the director (site closed) of Doberman, vibroboy, captain x, gisèle kérozène, 99 francs. Director I admire, and who has been involved, as I told you last week, the support of Julien Seri for his film Nightfare which will be released in the final on 13 January. Thanks to the very rich universe of Jan Kounen you will be able to discover, or rediscover, how it designs its cinema and cinema in general.


Gattaka Mag and the technical

Thanks to the headlining readers will be able to discover the technicians, as I say, artists in their field : Whether it be the sound, the special effects, the image with a superb interview of Benoit Debie , who speaks to us of the future of the film at the cinema, but also how to light a set, a stage. I can tell you that you’re going to be surprised. Jan Kounen also brings us to the sets and a genre that he holds dear : the western, with the scenery of Almeria in Spain.

In short, If you love movies, if you want to know how things are made, then all of those topics are for you.

For the rest I let you discover it by yourself ;o)


Gattaka Mag and its a Bonus!!!


This is THE part that should attract all of your attention, why ? Because it is at this place that I am, would like ! Beyond the superb, wonderful and amazing interview that I have given (if if) you can find articles, rather not poorly done, in which :

  • true story : you book of anecdotes on a number of films. I am still a customer of this kind of info ;o)
  • A topic on the figures that goes around the magazine is a 15-digit key.
  • The strategist : Here we discover how and through which Marvel became what we know today. Sorry I’m a fan of comics…I loved this article.
  • The right arm : Whouuuouuu drum roll, this is my interview ! The best paper of GATTAKA MAG (how I did that, I swelled ankles ?! ;o)) (ITW unavailable because the site is closed)


The negative points :

Personally I don’t see one…Oh pardon…I get a call directly from my ego…yes hello ?! …ok…my ego tells me that I am not quite visible at the very bottom of the item bonus…to which I answer him, the day when you will be as talented as Jan Kounen and thou shalt make the cov ;o) …My ego just told me to hang up on the nose


To conclude :

To finish, I put the video : Louise Tapine. Personally I’m interested in this kind of tone. In addition you will see the “real” one that interviewed me…well I personally will not see it the same way in may…

Please do not hesitate to leave me a comment, do not hesitate to go and like their Fanpage. One thing is certain is that the second number will be much less…simply because I will not be in it…but hey this is not a sufficient reason not to go read it ;o)


You can also find the latest news cine in the topic : neither for Nor against

So much for this article a little different from usual : GATTAKA MAG, long life to this new Webzine. Thanks again to Louise and thank you, faithful readers of CommentFaireUnFilm, of the welcome as it should be !

Let me have your comments at the bottom of the article.

Share without counting the blog with your networks and your friends. For sharing the article, simply click on the ” like “button at the top of this article ; (o) as well as on the button of Google+, in short, super easy ;o)

Thank you to those who will make it ;o) and that are already doing that ;o).

You can now return to the plan of the site (Article Tab) to read other articles, you just have to click on the link.

A Sunday (promised) next.

Tom Weil

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