How do you write an artist statement for a gallery?

How do you write an artist statement for a gallery?

Do’s – Best practices to create a successful artist statement

  1. Keep your artist statement short.
  2. Be specific and on the point.
  3. Bring clarity, confidence and focus on your statement.
  4. Write about ‘Why’ you created the artwork.
  5. Use precise details such as where you are from, where you live, your medium and style of work.

What should I include in my artist statement?

Your artist statement should be a written description of your artwork that gives deeper insight into your work through your personal history, material choices and themes you address. It helps both viewers understand what is most important to you and galleries explain your work to potential buyers.

What are the 7 steps to writing an artist statement?

An artist statement should briefly describe how the artist works, and what their work means….Here’s a starting list:

  1. Who is your audience?
  2. Who are your influences?
  3. Explain your work to a child.
  4. How do you make your work?
  5. How do your materials inform your concept?
  6. How is your work unique?

How do I write an artist statement for HSC?

What Is an Artist’s Statement?

  1. A general introduction to your work, a body of work, or a specific project.
  2. It should open with the work’s basic ideas in an overview of two or three sentences or a short paragraph.
  3. The second paragraph should go into detail about how these issues or ideas are presented in the work.

What is a personal artist statement?

An artist’s statement is a written document that introduces you as an artist. It explains why and how you make your art, along with other facts about you and your art. Artist’s statements typically contain: A few sentences on your personal relationship with art in general as well as why you do what you do.

How do you write an artist statement in first person?

It’s perfectly okay to combine your statement with your bio on an About the Artist page and write everything in 3rd person. If you separate them, don’t call your statement a statement because a statement should be in 1st person. Statements come from an individual’s lips, pens, or fingertips.

How do I write an artist statement for a gallery?

You can use it for galleries, press mentions, art portfolios, applications and submissions. To write a powerful artist statement it’s important to: Describe your artist works and what your work means.

How long should an artist statement be?

An artist statement should briefly describe how the artist works, and what their work means. It is no longer than a page and can be as short as one hundred words. You can use it for galleries, press mentions, art portfolios, applications and submissions. To write a powerful artist statement it’s important to:

What are the basic elements of an artist statement?

Now you get to pick the best ones to fulfill the very basic elements of an artist statement: what, why, and (possibly) how. What. Make sure to state what medium you work in (paintings, sculptures, installation, non-narrative video, durational performance, etc.). It’s amazing how many statements don’t include that basic fact. Why.

Should artists write to art galleries?

Remember, as an artist you are not only writing to an art gallery, but also to visitors, students, and potential buyers. You want all of these different groups to be able to understand what you’re saying about yourself and your art.

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