Hollywood : Planet remake

In 2010 the horizon many remakes of films of the 80s. Here is a small overview…

According to The Hollywood Reporter, no less than twenty films are in preparation, of which a first output, the one of Fame.

In the disorder of the other remakes, one can cite “Footloose”, The Claws Of The Night, Dune, Karate Kid, Robocop, Ghostbusters, Who Wants The Skin Of Roger Rabbit 3D, Red Dawn, in Pursuit Of The Green Diamond, Conan The Barbarian , or The never-Ending Story.

The purpose of all these remakes ? The money, of course. Much more cost-effective in cost and not a lot to say to the producer. If you added a title that was a hit in its time, the remake can only work.

To drive the point home, other remakes – this time to the films of the 90’s – are already announced : Men In Black, Lara Croft and Total Recall.

We don’t really know what to think – it is money easily earned and we need to say, where is the imagination ? – except to wait and watch what this is going to give…

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