Can I book train ticket from counter?
Railway Reservation through PRS Counters Based on the availability of tickets, the ticketing staff at the counter will issue the ticket. Indian Railways reservation counters are open from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm (Monday to Saturday) and 8:00 am to 2:00 pm on Sundays.
Can we take general ticket from any station?
You can book general tickets within 5 km radius of any railway station. You will be given a PNR number after booking the general ticket from the UTS ON MOBILE app.
Can I travel with WL counter ticket?
Yes you can travel only if the ticket is not booked online. You can travel if you have a waitlisted ticket from PRS counter. But you will not get a seat there. However you can ask TTE for available seats as some cancellations take place after chart preparation also.
What is the station code of Kengeri?
The station code name of Kengeri is ‘KGI’. As part of one of the busiest and populated Indian states, Karnataka, the Kengeri railway station is known amongst the top hundred train ticket booking and train traveling stations of the Indian Railway. The total number of trains that pass through Kengeri (KGI) junction is 82.
How many trains pass through Kengeri (KGI) junction?
As part of one of the busiest and populated Indian states, Karnataka, the Kengeri railway station is known amongst the top hundred train ticket booking and train traveling stations of the Indian Railway. The total number of trains that pass through Kengeri (KGI) junction is 82. Q) How many trains pass through the Kengeri Railway Station (KGI)?
What is Kengeri railway station in Bangalore?
/ 12.9176; 77.4839 Kengeri railway station (station code: KGI) is a major railway station within city limits of Bangalore on the Mysore–Bangalore railway line. It serves Kengeri a satellite town to Bangalore in the western part of the city.
What is the name of the railway station in Karnataka?
Kengeri railway station. Kengeri railway station (station code: KGI) is a small railway station in Bengaluru Nagara district, Karnataka .