Can leave encashment be taken after availing LTC?

Can leave encashment be taken after availing LTC?

Government officers are allowed to encash ten days earned leave at the time of availing of LTC to the extent of sixty days during the entire career. The leave encashed at the time of LTC will not be deducted from the maximum amount of earned leave encashable at the time of retirement.

Is leave encashment mandatory with LTC?

Leave encashment is optional. If an employee opts for only deemed LTC fare without the leave encashment and spends less than three times of the deemed fare as has been prescribed to claim reimbursement of the deemed LTC fare, how the reimbursement would be calculated.

How is leave encashment calculated in LTC?

In terms of 38-A of CCS(Leave) Rules, encashment of EL alongwith LTC is to be calculated on pay admissible on the date of availing LTC and DA admissible on that date. If pay or DA admissible has been revised with retrospective effect, going by the rule the Govt.

What is the rule for leave encashment?

a. Earned leave standing to the credit of an employee may be encashed at his option only once in a calendar year provided that the quantum of leave to be encashed in each case is not more than 50% of the Earned Leave at credit or 30 days earned leave whichever is less.

Can CL be combined with child care leave?

3.1. 12 Casual Leave and Earned Leave cannot be combined. Special Casual Leave may also be granted to the employees for other purpose, as approved by the Director from time to time. The Special Casual Leave can be granted up to a maximum of 15 days in a calendar year.

How do I claim my LTC cash package?

Conditions for the LTC cash voucher scheme d) Individual was required to -collect the invoice having GST number of the seller and GST amount paid. These invoices were to be submitted to the employer to claim the benefit. Individuals were allowed to submit the invoices in their family member’s name.

How do we calculate earned leave?

When you retire, the total amount of earned leave will be calculated by taking 30 days earned leave for every year of completed service multiplied by the total service period….

  1. Annual Leave and Holidays.
  2. Leave Policy.
  3. Earned leave encashed at retirement is exempt from tax up to a maximum of Rs 3 lakh.

Is leave encashment on LTC taxable?

LTA/LTC is a tax break that can be availed by an employee for travel of self and family members anywhere in India. The leave encashment portion is taxable in the hands of an employee.

How many leaves can be encashed?

According to the Income-tax Act, 1961, in case you get such a facility, then the maximum number of leaves you can encash in a year is 30,” said Anuj Shah, chief financial planner, Wealth 360, a Mumbai-based financial planning firm.

Can LTC be encashed twice in one block year?

However, when the one and the same LTC is being availed of by the Government servant and his family members separately in a block year, encashment of leave would be restricted to one occasion only. Source

Who can apply for encashment of earned leave for proceeding on LTC?

An employee who desires to proceed on LTC can apply for this encashment Earned Leave availed by him/her for proceeding on LTC.

What is the maximum amount of earned leave a central government employee can encash?

In other words, a Central Government Employee can encash a maximum of earned leave up to 3oo days if such earned leave is available as credit in his/her account while leaving service, in addition to 60 days of earned leave utilised by her / him for Earned Leave encashment while proceeding on LTC

When is the benefit of leave encashment allowed for outward journey?

In respect of a clarification sought by Controller of Defence Accounts on this aspect, DOPT has clarified that the benefit of leave encashment may be allowed 60 days before the proposed date of outward journey. The Full text of this clarification Office Memorandum No.14028/2/2012-Estt. (L) dated 26.06.2012, is as follows. No.14028/2/2012-Estt. (L)

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