Can sed match multiple lines?

Can sed match multiple lines?

By using N and D commands, sed can apply regular expressions on multiple lines (that is, multiple lines are stored in the pattern space, and the regular expression works on it): $ cat two-cities-dup2.

How do you use multiple lines in sed?

6.3 Multiline techniques – using D,G,H,N,P to process multiple lines

  1. sed starts by reading the first line into the pattern space (i.e. ‘ 1 ‘).
  2. At the beginning of every cycle, the N command appends a newline and the next line to the pattern space (i.e. ‘ 1 ‘, ‘ \n ‘, ‘ 2 ‘ in the first cycle).

How do you grep multiple lines?

How do I grep for multiple patterns?

  1. Use single quotes in the pattern: grep ‘pattern*’ file1 file2.
  2. Next use extended regular expressions: egrep ‘pattern1|pattern2’ *. py.
  3. Finally, try on older Unix shells/oses: grep -e pattern1 -e pattern2 *. pl.
  4. Another option to grep two strings: grep ‘word1\|word2’ input.

How run multiple lines in Linux?

Using a Backslash. The backslash (\) is an escape character that instructs the shell not to interpret the next character. If the next character is a newline, the shell will read the statement as not having reached its end. This allows a statement to span multiple lines.

How do I grep next 10 lines?

You can use the -B and -A to print lines before and after the match. Will print the 10 lines before the match, including the matching line itself. -C 10 will print out 10 lines before AND after in one fell swoop!

How do you copy multiple lines in Linux terminal?

Copy and paste multiple lines With the cursor at your desired line press nyy , where n is the number of lines down you want to copy. So if you want to copy 2 lines, press 2yy . To paste press p and the number of lines copied will be pasted below the line you are on now.

How do I Grep a specific line in a file?

Beginning at the first line in the file, grep copies a line into a buffer, compares it against the search string, and if the comparison passes, prints the line to the screen. Grep will repeat this process until the file runs out of lines.

How to apply regular expressions on multiple lines of text in SED?

By using N and D commands, sed can apply regular expressions on multiple lines (that is, multiple lines are stored in the pattern space, and the regular expression works on it):

How to use grep to search multiple strings in Linux?

You can use grep to search multiple strings in a certain type of file only. If you want to monitor log files in one directory or if you want to search through all text files, use an asterisk and the file extension instead of a file name. For example, to search for warnings and errors through all.log files in the /var/log/ directory, enter:

How does grep work in Linux?

In the simplest terms, grep (global regular expression print) will search input files for a search string, and print the lines that match it. Beginning at the first line in the file, grep copies a line into a buffer, compares it against the search string, and if the comparison passes, prints the line to the screen.

Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel.

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