Can vascular issues cause leg pain?

Can vascular issues cause leg pain?

Leg pain due to reduced blood supply is called vascular claudication. The condition occurs when one or more arteries in the leg are blocked, causing reduced or complete loss of blood supply to the leg muscles.

What can you do for vascular leg pain?

Your doctor may prescribe daily aspirin therapy or another medication, such as clopidogrel (Plavix). Symptom-relief medications. The drug cilostazol increases blood flow to the limbs both by keeping the blood thin and by widening the blood vessels.

How do you know if you have vascular problems in your legs?

Coldness in legs, numbness of legs, tingling of legs, tingling when walking. Venous symptoms – These are symptoms that show the patient may have a venous issue. Restless legs, restless legs at night, visible varicose veins, leg swelling, feet swelling, and leg pain during exertion.

How do you know if you have a vascular problem?

Pale or bluish skin. Lack of leg hair or toenail growth. Sores on toes, feet, or legs that heal slowly or not at all. Decreased skin temperature, or thin, brittle, shiny skin on the legs and feet.

What are the signs of vascular disease?

Peripheral Vascular Disease Symptoms

  • Buttock pain.
  • Numbness, tingling, or weakness in the legs.
  • Burning or aching pain in the feet or toes while resting.
  • A sore on a leg or a foot that will not heal.
  • One or both legs or feet feeling cold or changing color (pale, bluish, dark reddish)
  • Loss of hair on the legs.
  • Impotence.

Can poor leg circulation be cured?

Your first step in treating poor blood circulation is a visit to your vascular specialist. They may recommend an exercise and diet program and medication, but some patients see the most benefit from a vascular treatment such as angioplasty or bypass surgery.

What type of doctor treats vascular problems?

A vascular surgeon makes sure patients with vascular health issues know and understand all their options. In short, vascular surgeons can do surgery, but they see and treat many patients who don’t require surgery. Many vascular problems can be treated with medication or exercise.

What causes leg artery pain?

Lack of arterial blood flow to the legs results in intermittent claudication and, more severely, in critical limb ischemia. This is called ischemia. The most common cause for arterial leg pain is atherosclerosis. This means that arteries become narrowed from deposits of fat and inflammation.

Is leg pain at night a warning sign of vascular disease?

Leg Pain at Night Could Be a Warning Sign of a Major Vascular Disease Arterial disease is the leading cause of cardiovascular disease worldwide. The most common type of arterial disease is an occlusion or obstruction in the arteries supplying blood to a part of your body.

What are some vascular problems in the legs?

Peripheral Vascular Disease. Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) is a blood circulation disorder that causes the blood vessels outside of your heart and brain to narrow, block, or spasm. This can happen in your arteries or veins. PVD typically causes pain and fatigue, often in your legs, and especially during exercise.

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