In which country Papuans tribes are located?

In which country Papuans tribes are located? The indigenous Papuan peoples under Indonesian occupation have endured extraordinary suffering and oppression since Indonesia took control in 1963. Papua’s tribal people are Melanesians: ethnically, culturally and linguistically distinct from the Malay Indonesians who rule them from Jakarta. How many Papua New Guineans are there in the US? […]

Who is the king of Kodungallur?

Who is the king of Kodungallur? Cheraman Perumal Cheraman Perumal, the reigning King of Kerala, with Kodungallur as its capital, once experienced an unusual dream of the new moon being split into two halves at the horizon. His Court astrologers could not give him a satisfactory explanation. Who is the chairman Perumal? Cheraman Perumal is […]

What is unique about aardvark?

What is unique about aardvark? An aardvark has a long snout that ends with a pig-like nose, rabbit-like ears and a tail similar to a kangaroo’s. Yet it is not closely related to any of those animals. Though they do eat ants — so they are technically “ant eaters” — aardvarks are a separate species […]

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