[critical] The Girl from Monaco

Bertrand, avocat d’assises. Brilliant. Media. Chatty. Grown. Brain. Complicated. Not very very brave. Like women, especially to talk to them. Freshly arrived in Monaco to the defence of a murderous man in his seventies.

Christopher, the security guard in charge of protecting Bertrand. Franc. Direct. Taciturn. Sports. Studies interrupted in the fifth. Like women except for their talk. Admires in others the culture and the mastery of language which are missing to him.

Audrey, weather channel host on a cable channel in Monaco. Ambitious. Sassy. Sexy. Out of control. Has not the intention to recite the weather report for a long time.

Includes fairly a lot the meaning of certain words, including “boundaries”, “taboos”, and “scruples”.

It would have been better than these three do not meet…

Author’s Note


Release Date : August 20, 2008

Directed by Anne Fontaine

Film French

With Fabrice Luchini, Roschdy Zem, Louise Bourgoin

Duration : 1h35min

Trailer :

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With a tagline such as ” Is it that you’ve ever asked yourself the question, why one layer ? “we could fear a light comedy, chaining gags more or less heavy. However, the name of Fabrice Lucchini is required. Little chance that this film is in the same vein as’American Pie ; the other hand, does arise the question of why.

“Time is suspended” explains Bertrand ( the character of Fabrice Lucchini ) to a woman he met in Monaco at the beginning of the film. A woman, met only two hours earlier, which inspired him. Or rather the first kiss inspires. Tirade, questioning and passion, invade this suspended time.

This incipit is ultimately only a summary of The girl from Monaco as a whole. At its second meeting in love, time stops around Bertrand and Audrey ( played by Louise Bourgouin ). The story of the film ultimately has very little importance. The universe fleet around Bertrand. We owe it to Fabrice Lucchini and his oratory talent that belongs only to him. He knew how to handle it with intelligence dialogues. Always a delicacy incredible, they are never stuffy. On the contrary, they carry us into a magic incredible.

His character, Barry, is literally exploding in the presence of the second ( Christopher ), his mysterious body guard played by Roschdy Zem. It does not speak, he is cold, litigious, and Only a few snatches of his past are barely mentioned, and his character is contained in an anger only reflected in her gaze and her silence. It never alights questions. These characters, these antagonisms can be enjoyed at every moment.

Finally comes the third female character, Audrey, that upsets everything. If illustrates the suspended time defined previously by Bertrand. Everything stops, it was then of little importance then. Bertrand sacrifice his professionalism for the benefit of this relationship. In a moment of lucidity, he explains that he is a ” witch modern.” And that is exactly what it is : throughout the film we see a man entranced, that ridicules, that lack of losing life, which is brittle. A good image away from its reputation of a very great lawyer, known for defending the most dangerous criminals.

The girl from Monaco simply suggests ; it whispers in the ear of the beholder. There is no moral, just a snatch of life. A brief romantic encounter, a friendship without limits, proposed as a sentiment almost in love with an extreme force. This is not a story that can be built in the short film, but rather a person who is découd in the enclosure of this suspended time.

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