Do people in Burkina Faso speak English?

Do people in Burkina Faso speak English?

Burkina Faso is a multilingual country. An estimated 70 languages are spoken there, of which about 66 are indigenous. French is the official language. English is very rarely spoken.

Is Hausa spoken in Burkina Faso?

Hausa is spoken as a first language by about 25 million people, and as a second language by about 18 million more. It is spoken in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Eritrea, Germany, Ghana, Niger, Sudan, and Togo.

Is Swahili spoken in Burkina Faso?

Citizens of Burkina Faso, regardless of their ethnic origin, are collectively known as Burkinabé. French is the official language, although it is not widely spoken. Moore, the language of the Mossi, is spoken by a great majority of the population, and Dyula is widely used in commerce.

Does Burkina Faso speak Swahili?

Burkina Faso is a multilingual country. French is the official language. English is very rarely spoken. In the west, Mande languages are widely spoken, the most predominant being Dyula (also spelled Jula or Dioula), others including Bobo, Samo, and Marka.

How many speak Burkina Faso French?

OIF figures

Country French speakers %
Burkina Faso 4,752,162 24.06%
Burundi 939,657 8.38%
Cambodia 438,635 2.70%
Cameroon 10,006,474 40.55%

Is Moore a language?

Moore Language (also More) is a language spoken primarily in Burkina Faso by the Mossis. It is spoken by approximately 5 million people in the country plus 50,000 others in Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Mali and Togo.

Do they speak Arabic in Burkina Faso?

What is the biggest language in Africa?

While Arabic is the most spoken language in Africa, there’s plenty more – other popular languages include Amharic, Berber, Portuguese, Oromo, Igbo, Yoruba, Zulu and Shona.

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