Do Sprint airave still work?

Do Sprint airave still work?

Yes. The AIRAVE provides enhanced coverage for any 3G Sprint phone or mobile broadband card at EVDO Rev. A data speeds of up to 3 Mbps downstream and 1.5 Mbps upstream. Yes, Sprint Direct Connect (SDC) services that operate on the Sprint network are supported on the AIRAVE.

How do I connect to my Sprint airave?

Dial *99 on any Sprint phone. You should hear a message that says “You are now within AIRAVE coverage.” Note: You will hear three short beeps when placing or answering calls on your wireless phone if you are within range of the AIRAVE.

How do I know if my phone is connected to airave?

How do I know my phone is connecting through the AIRAVE? By dialing *99 on your wireless phone, an audio message will confirm if you are in range of the AIRAVE. Also, you will hear a short double tone on your wireless phone before making and receiving calls. Check out the AIRAVE User Guide that came with your device.

How do I connect my Sprint airave to my phone?

What is Sprint Casa Pebble?

The Pebble, designed and built by Casa Systems, helps to provide a faster and more reliable data experience for customers. The device is the first femtocell from Sprint that offers an untethered Wi-Fi backhaul option in addition to the standard Ethernet connection required in traditional femtocells.

Who has better coverage Verizon or Sprint?

Verizon will get you better coverage and speeds than Sprint,1,2 but you can save even more money going with Sprint’s 2 GB plan. Just keep in mind, if you or your family do a lot of things that use a lot of data (looking at you, teenagers), then an unlimited plan is definitely the better way to go.

What is a Casa pebble from Sprint?

Is the Sprint Airave any good?

The Good The Sprint Airave is both a device and a service that helps boost your Sprint phone’s wireless signal via your home broadband network. It supports up to three active calls, and improves signal strength and call quality considerably.

What is the UPC number for Sprint Airave hubbub?

Create your FREE Amazon Business account to save up to 10% with Business-only prices and free shipping. Sprint AIRAVE 2.5+ Model: HubBub C1-600-RT UPC 794571997981 – S/N: 13337006735. With Power Adapter, Ethernet Cable & External GPS Antenna Cable.

Does the Samsung Airave boost Sprint cell signal?

We’ve seen plenty signal boosters here at CNET, from the Wi-Ex zBoost YX510-PCS-CEL to the ARC Freedom Antenna. However, Sprint has decided to release device to boost the signal of Sprint phones, and it’s called the Airave, made by Samsung.

Does the Airave really work?

We found that it worked as promised. The Airave costs $99.99, while the service will cost you an additional $4.99 a month. Out of the box, the Airave looks like an ordinary wireless router. It measures 6.9 inches long by 5.7 inches wide by 2.1 inches thick and weighs about 14 ounces.

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